Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [prep] a " in BNC.

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31 Though they appear green and contain abundant chlorophyll , productivity of these mats is generally low : much of their material is moribund , and persists only because of an absence of decomposers .
32 That temporary phenomenon was possible only because of an EC support control mechanism which passed away last January and brought smiles to thousands of faces .
33 The basal median total immunoreactive gastrin concentration fell from 26 pmol/l ( range 11–43 ) to 19 pmol/l ( 8–39 ) ( p<0.05 ) , entirely because of a fall in G17 from 6 pmol/l ( <2.4–25 ) to <2.4 pmol/l ( <2.4–23 ) ( p<0.001 ) .
34 THOUSANDS of classroom teachers in primary and secondary schools in England and Wales are being underpaid by up to £2,500 annually because of a government error , one of the largest teachers unions claimed yesterday .
35 Most of the dogs that come up for rehoming do so because of a change in domestic circumstances rather than through any temperament problems .
36 Eight failed to do so because of a recurrence of their disease that could not be attributed to any particular food constituent .
37 It is still the case that the vast majority of potential clients who come through your door will do so because of a recommendation .
38 Dodman offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
39 Dodman had offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
40 Attitudes to Germans , though , are mixed , the more so because of an influx of German visitors from the west .
41 QPR are not good enough to finish in the top six , according to Trevor Francis , their player-manager , but they should have won and would surely have done so but for a mind-boggling miss by Andy Sinton when it was 2-2 .
42 Indeed , Hartland and Wright almost carried New Zealand to stumps without loss in their second innings , and probably would have done so but for a debatable bat-pad decision against the former .
43 When the government makes an award it normally provides all but about a quarter of a per cent of the extra needed . ’
44 The rooms are lit by windows on the exterior and in the courtyard walls and the rooms themselves are laid out much as in a modern flat .
45 To speak in the same right tones , a causal circumstance can be said to comprise everything needed so as in a way to guarantee its effect .
46 But it seems sad that so many did not have a more enjoyable sexual introduction , especially when for a few it had been the one and only time .
47 Quinn 's tough background dictated that he had to know how to take care of himself , especially when at a young age he moved from his native Mexico into an area of Los Angeles where everyone was either Irish , Mexican or black .
48 The unstressed syllables , although unstressed , do not get squeezed together as in a stress timed language , but are still distinctly pronounce .
49 Fabia found an answering encouraging smile , but her smile did not remain for long when after a second or two of studying her Cara stated , quite clearly , ‘ You . ’
50 I thought it was better going to drama school direct rather than via a university and if you 're going to act I think that 's the way .
51 Armagnac 's second marriage , to Béatrix de Clermont , tended ( like that of Gaston I of Foix-Béarn to Jeanne of Artois ) to incline him towards northern France and the Capetian or Valois court rather than towards an absentee king-duke of Aquitaine .
52 Some important changes were made to maintenance arrangements , whereby locomotives became attached first and foremost to specific traffic flows rather than to a defined geographical area .
53 The placebo effect means that any treatment will improve a patient merely because he wants to recover and is responding to the clinician 's attempts to help rather than to a specific treatment .
54 Yes , she would go into the country rather than to a seaside resort , for they were full of old , retired , ill-tempered people and had she not had her full share of that ?
55 Opposition was likely to be stronger where children were transferred to another small school rather than to a larger school .
56 ‘ That 's why her style is better suited to a Policy Unit that is hers rather than to a CPRS which serves the Cabinet . ’
57 And if skills associated with the new technology are specific to a particular occupation rather than to a firm , why should either employer or employee prefer a long-term contract with one employer rather than a consultancy contract for a particular piece of work ?
58 If this is so , then the directors of a company would continue to be accountable to a share price rather than to a body of committed stakeholders .
59 This can be seen in the attitude adopted towards Nissan , Toyota and Honda , although the ‘ national solution approach ’ prevailed in the sale of Rover to British Aerospace rather than to a US multinational .
60 Fifteen years later , it became obvious that Lord Sagramoso was seducing the hereditary lords of neighbouring star systems — mainly agricultural ones — to turn preachers into compost and swear fealty to him rather than to a deity thirty thousand light years distant .
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