Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Strictly , equations ( 6.5 ) and ( 6.6 ) are equivalent only if in estimating equation ( 6.6 ) the restriction is imposed that the coefficient estimated on is equal to the negative of the constant term divided by the mean of .
2 In addition the chargee is not obliged to refrain from exercising his rights merely because by doing so he could avoid loss to the company nor does failure to exercise them when the security is declining in value constitute a breach of any duty that he may owe to the company .
3 How they are put into practice will vary , not only because of changing external circumstances , but also because our own state fluctuates , and we adapt our domestic lives to some degree to our changing levels of energy and mood .
4 By now finances were brightening and whilst still running at a loss , this was entirely because of spending on improvements .
5 When proprietors sold , at any stage , whether antici-pating amalgamation ( like the News Chronicle and Daily Mail ) or a continuing future , they did so because of flagging interest or energy , or because they had not the resources to turn round a weak paper in an increasingly competitive market .
6 Four elements here are open to criticism : ( 1 ) the term batteur de mesure had become discredited and much less used by 1790 , because of its association with the bad old days ; ( 2 ) the ‘ large stick ’ whatever its size in 1750 , got markedly smaller by 1790 ; ( 3 ) there was no unified body of opinion which attacked ‘ woodchopping ’ over the decades : in fact Rousseau 's text , and those of his epigones , aspired to make musico-political points in favour of Italian opera as much as about beating time ; ( 4 ) audible stick signals can not be said , at least after 1781 , to have ‘ co-ordinated ’ chorus and ballet , if that implies ‘ heard as a matter of course ’ ; the evidence shows that no audible signal was thereafter heard as a matter of course .
7 Obviously , an employee is free to apply for another position even with a rival of his present employer , or to find premises in which to set up a future business so long as in doing so he is not in breach of any valid express term in his employment contract : see Searle ( GD ) & Co Ltd v Celltech Ltd [ 1982 ] FSR 92 .
8 Completing his degree would ensure that he was better equipped to do the job , especially as by studying social anthropology he would be better able to understand his players .
9 Sew together as in making up techniques but without piping .
10 ( More marks are typically lost by failing to write one answer altogether than by presenting two or three answers which are slightly weaker than you would have wished . )
11 Gischler and Jauregui ( 1984 ) have demonstrated that in Peru much of this pre-Hispanic terracing is abandoned but could be renovated to enhance food production more economically than by developing new lands .
12 Merrill Lynch 's statistics are interesting in that they indicate that companies prefer to give expatriates coming to Britain financial assistance towards buying property rather than towards renting it .
13 The eventual thrust of the reform of the German child care legislation has been largely directed towards remedying the above shortcomings of earlier legislation rather than towards grounding the new Act in completely different principles .
14 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
15 But that the the leader of the house effectively made a statement in Prime Minister 's questions on the same issue , misleading the house into believing that the government were actually applying this money to patient care rather than to meeting their own political incompetence .
16 Notwithstanding the membership of some staunchly pro-ANZUS people ( such as Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Don McKinnon ) , the government as a whole appeared more committed to improving general relations with the USA rather than to seeking a return to the particular relationship which had been embodied within the ANZUS alliance .
17 I think the word " enjoy " used in this connection is a translation of the Latin word " fruor " and refers to the exercise and use of the right and having the full benefit of it , rather than to deriving pleasure from it …
18 A major factor accounting for this difference is that American parties are much looser organizations than British ones , geared traditionally to winning elections rather than to implementing coherent policy programmes ( see chapter 12 ) .
19 It had been so self-evident to Dalgliesh that the squad would need a senior woman detective that he had devoted his energy to choosing the right one , rather than to speculating how well she would fit into the team .
20 The massive exodus of the rural populace to towns in Spain or abroad , which began in earnest towards the end of the 1950s , bore witness to the priority given , in the Francoist scale of values , to preserving the patrimony of the strong , rather than to caring for the welfare of the weak .
21 The answer is to unwind some of the absurdities of the intervention system which mean that far too much money is devoted to financing the depreciation of beef rather than to putting it on the table .
22 Chimpanzees for instance have enormous canine teeth , but the males have them and not the females , so the idea here is that normally a big canine tooth , a sexually dimorphic canine tooth is probably related to inter-male conflict , rather than to killing and , and whether , how that affects your er what you say about the spacing I 'm not sure , but certainly it would be a safe erm generalization to say normally big canines are an aspect of sexual dimorphism and in mammals are very common .
23 He was firing deliberately a bit wide , I thought , to scare rather than to hit me , for at that sort of range anyone with a rifle — unless he were truly an appalling shot — could scarcely miss .
24 Such evenings are for cementing business relationships rather than for discussing specific aspects of business .
25 The single most startling fact for girls , however , is that they tend to be taken into care for ‘ status offences ’ rather than for breaking the law .
26 These needs should be seen as a reason for unifying rather than for dividing educational provision .
27 If so , this is an argument for re-defining it rather than for dispensing with gradation altogether .
28 Functional rather than ostentatious , for telling the time rather than for telling others who he was .
29 He accepted that it would be better to give her lots of love and attention for behaving well rather than for behaving badly .
30 This allows competitors to fight under virtually the same rules as their full-contact brothers , but strikes and kicks are judged more on a points system , points being awarded for perfection of technique rather than for pounding a competitor into the ground or knocking him out .
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