Example sentences of "[adv] [det] between the " in BNC.

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1 The proposition put forward by this view is that technology shapes the problems , demands and forms of organisation of workers and it is precisely the levels of technology that vary so much between the modern , dynamic , industrial sector and traditional areas .
2 But the essential conflicts within the Council were not so much between the unevenly matched Assembly and the Committee of Ministers as between national perceptions of the desired shape of Europe .
3 For there is a conceptual connection , not so much between the constitution as a document and democracy , but between modern constitutionalism and the idea of a liberal democracy .
4 The politicians in Washington are there to fight for their state and the conflicts in Washington are not conflicts between , so much between the states and the federal government , as conflicts between the states for different advantages .
5 What I keep trying to tell him is that if you do something like this , this space underneath has to be at least as much between the top of the S as the and the baseline and they sell them .
6 Jo Durie , Britain 's No. 1 ranked player , delivered an honest assessment of the needs of aspiring young tennis champions when she called for the pressure to be taken off youngsters , particularly those between the crucial ages of 10–14 .
7 The fact is that the birth rate declined by almost half between the 1900 and the late 1930s , and by an even higher proportion when compared with nineteenth-century levels .
8 If this factor did not influence people , then the average repayment period chosen by people once they had been shown both APR and total cost as well as instalment amount would not vary very much between the different sets of respondents ( that is , those shown just the instalment amounts first , those shown APR too , and those shown total credit cost too ) .
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