Example sentences of "[adv] [det] about they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We know so little about them .
2 It was easy to see why they go on so much about them .
3 ‘ I do n't mind so much about them . ’
4 Faults in your own work are glaringly obvious because you know so much about them , but other people 's faults are not considered to be important .
5 I 've heard so much about them , you know .
6 Were the footsteps also all about them ?
7 There I finally decided to throw in my efforts at making contact with the Delhi eunuchs ; it was taking up a lot of time and there was still no hint of a breakthrough : after ten days I still knew as little about them as I had when I had begun .
8 The creep will also say things like , ‘ Oh , I know just how you feel ’ or ‘ I hear what you say ’ , and by the end of the interview you 'll know as much about them as they know about you .
9 We still knew very little about them .
10 Milton knew very little about them , and his contempt was based on ignorance .
11 Rather , people fear and stigmatise fairly specific things , people and conditions , even though they may admittedly know very little about them .
12 And again , long moments later , he added the qualification : ‘ Though I want to tell you one thing — I know very little about them . ’
13 The next two days were pretty average mental and physical hell — thank God I can not remember very much about them .
14 He was not prepared to preach to the British — ‘ I do n't really know too much about them ’ — but he did say that no one could expect success without putting in a great deal of hard work .
15 He thought too much about them .
16 Too much damage had been done ; she knew too much about them now .
17 erm Do n't really know much about them at all erm they are an old boys side erm but erm we really do n't know too much about them .
18 No one seems to know that much about them , but you know your father .
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