Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Sequential organisation has the major advantage that the records are stored in a logical order , presumably that sequence to which the records are normally required for printing and for soft copy reports .
2 In our discussion so far we have concentrated particularly on the physical context in which single utterances are embedded and we have paid rather little attention to the previous discourse co-ordinate .
3 Maus 's cartoon cross-cutting underlines , perhaps more vividly than any other medium could do , the truth of Vladek 's saying , when asked why the Jews offered so little resistance to the Germans : ‘ They could n't believe even what 's in front of their eyes … ‘
4 However , Mr Smith said later that previous Budget statements had borne ‘ so little resemblance to the depressing reality ’ of Britain 's economic condition that they resembled some of Mr Lamont 's economic forecasts .
5 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
6 The apathy of the people towards unemployment was one of the things that caused so little notice to be taken of it .
7 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
8 Curious about everything ; about the men who paid so little attention to her , wondering where they were taking her ; about Allen , wondering what he was doing ; about the Friar and what he would think when he found them gone ; about herself that she should be so indifferent to her circumstances and so little fearful ; and a little curious , but least curious of all , about the Friar 's sack , curious as to why if it contained only the remnants of a meal he had been so concerned to hide it and so uneasy at leaving it in their care .
9 It 's because people know so little about themselves that their knowledge of nature is so little use to them .
10 So that title to some extent still sticks with it , but it I ca n't hel I 'm old fashioned enough to th to think of it as being a bit a bit false , you know ?
11 So that lead to an increase in the open state probability .
12 That they have managed to cope with it at all is perhaps some credit to at least a reasonable level of fairness within the system .
13 So will sterling continue to fall , bringing more gloom to homeowners but perhaps some pleasure to those who have hedged their sterling savings into foreign currencies ?
14 ‘ It 's only another week to the wedding . ’
15 Perhaps this surrender to the invading power of God 's Spirit , this willingness for him to take us and break us and use us , IS one of the prime lessons which the charismatic movement throughout the churches is teaching us at the present time .
16 In my opinion it is very doubtful whether all this disruption to so many people was justified by the experience I gained .
17 Also fewer farm workers are needed in the rural areas and so some move to the towns .
18 To fill fuel tanks of the F4U-7 costs on average £1,000 , which probably explains , along with other overheads like , insurance , hangarage , maintenance , why it costs airshow organiser so much money to ‘ book ’ warbird type aircraft for display appearances .
19 LADY DAVERS : God give me patience , so much tenderness to a vile …
20 With so much land to be disposed of , it was hard to make them put up with anything less than freehold tenure , and so it was almost impossible for the proprietors to make very much out of their estates .
21 As this new year begins , there 's so much work to be done …
22 When the Council was wound up in 1982 , being replaced by the Secondary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee , there was so much work to be done on the curriculum and the examination of it in the years of compulsory school that consideration of the sixth-form curriculum lapsed into comparative inertia .
23 Despite the promise of great ornithological rewards if he stayed , Gould found it immensely difficult to remain inactive while there was so much work to be done .
24 But fluoride 's toughening is not so much help to the uneven biting surfaces ; they are at risk even when people practice good oral hygiene and regularly have their teeth professionally cleaned .
25 Hector McLean the eminent scholar in Anthropology and Celtic Literature who gave so much help to J , F. Campbell in the preparation of " Popular Tales of the West Highlands " must have had a good library and another schoolmaster at Ballygrant , Neil MacAlpine , can not have compiled his Gaelic Dictionary without one .
26 She said : ‘ I think it is terrible that puppies can be dumped and left to die when the RSPCA is giving so much help to people who can not afford the vet 's bill for sterilisation .
27 Now , 100 years after his birth , we should celebrate the sunshine days of one who gave so much gladness to so many .
28 Charles Wilson , editor of The Times , asked whether it was not damaging to devote so much space to the attack , said : ‘ This conference should be discussing why this bankrupt policy is n't working .
29 But nobody else , to the best of our knowledge , gave so much attention and so much space to Rome as Timaeus ; and nobody else was so influential .
30 The remark could only be made because Ashton had given so much thought to how the music could be given shape in dance .
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