Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Better that than learning it from my visitors or this evening 's paper , I suppose they thought .
2 Better that than buying summat for
3 It was strange , but the thought of her sister marrying one of those terrible Feltons no longer filled her with abhorrence ; far better that than bring a child into the world that was n't wanted and whom her mother had already thrown off for adoption .
4 Better that than going the way of Aldershot . ’
5 Better that than spending a miserable lifetime in the Windsor soup …
6 Priced at just under £30,000 , however , the Alpine offers so much for so little as to question the morality of widening the scope of supercar ownership far beyond those dedicated few prepared to invest in the high level of training to drive one safely .
7 ‘ She says you must both be insane to want to have me here , when I can pay so little and have no means of making more .
8 It is little wonder that fundamentalist sects have a field day welcoming in disillusioned people who have been put off Christianity by forms of Anglicanism which offer so little and demand nothing .
9 We learn so little and forget so much . ’
10 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
11 Even if we had no standard semantics to characterise , it would still be necessary to investigate the structure of the classes of inter-transformable programs , because it is only this that reveals the true power of a set of laws .
12 There are many groups , much literature , and a great deal of help available for the widowed or divorced — so much that to go into the subject in detail would require another book .
13 To confront the anger of God in the way the ancient Israelites dared to do , to face it as directed against ourselves and the society of which we are so much a part , is to escape the romantic pretence , the unrelieved jollity , or the easy , unthinking speech of so much that passes for Christian belief and worship .
14 I mean , there 's so much that goes on in prison that people do n't know about , which they should .
15 OD1 proved itself much more like the classic Marshall sound , with enough dirt to make things ballsy , but not so much that backing off the guitar did n't clean up the tone for real blues rhythm playing and crunchy Bryan Adams-type chords .
16 Maw 's work encompasses so much that attempting to describe it is a hindrance to understanding and enjoyment .
17 However , so much that needs to be done requires professional lobbying and political change , and I question whether a well-meaning group of amateurs can do much beyond counselling and sharing information .
18 / The oldest hath borne most ; we that are young/ Shall never see so much nor live so long ’ ( V , iii , 322–6 ) — to Albany , the Folio gives the lines to Edgar .
19 Jezrael could n't so much as shudder .
20 Soviet aid was never intended in any case to equip the Republic for victory , so much as to enable it to resist until the Spanish war became part of a more general conflict in which Britain and France would join the Soviet Union in fighting European fascism .
21 For the duration of the war , British and American diplomats performed a nerve-racking balancing act , providing just enough credit and material aid ( especially grain and petroleum ) to prevent Franco from going over completely to the Axis , but not so much as to enable him to become strong enough to dispense with maintaining relations with them .
22 " You 'll take some treacle tart , " she told Daniel , the set of her pugnacious jaw warning him that she was not asking a question so much as issuing a command .
23 This is also partly the reason why in Adorno 's theory music in a sense takes on too much autonomy , so much as to create a danger of a relapse into idealism .
24 A gift shop , a snack bar and a petrol station is not exactly a model , thriving Highland community , and the disquieting feeling that these places now exist only to empty the contents of your wallet if you so much as slow down is not a pleasant one .
25 Not even very kind , very polite young men in her year at art school had so much as thawed one tiny corner of her iced-up emotions .
26 The grey ovoid , some distance away , expanded and contracted in a movement which reminded Ace of nothing so much as chewing , although there was no way that she could see whereby the fruit could have been transmitted from one part of Legion to another .
27 The purpose of such an exercise is not so much to remove dirt ( mulm in a healthy filter is quite inert ) , so much as to restore the even filtering capacity of the media .
28 " You could 've had Harry without any competition at all , if you 'd so much as bent your little finger .
29 Runs back to her lair , if I so much as breathe about the past .
30 When Harry Collyer joined Crystal Palace FC ours was a club that had not yet so much as played a 1st Division match in the Southern League .
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