Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] back to " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
2 The director duly reported back to base camp that Douglas had rejected every concession he had made in order to get him to accept the part .
3 How clearly it had all come back to her — even the piping treble of her own childish voice .
4 Usually , what with shooting and swimming with the others and riding up at Biddy 's , he had only got back to the garden shed in time to flake out until morning .
5 You may be written off as a malingerer or a neurotic or , perhaps even worse , as someone who must be gently humoured back to health .
6 The swimming section was more or less brought back to mind to me the other day when they showed the old Stoke bathing place .
7 The air was thick with smoke and he was not offered dinner afterwards , merely driven back to the organizer 's home many miles away .
8 When Leo made some small movement , she was suddenly brought back to the present and became mortifyingly aware that she had just emptied her heart to a virtual stranger .
9 Thomson 's free kick Pearce gets it clear and then won back by Hill but has only gone back to the Forest skipper .
10 Er then he made the I 'd better cut back to the business card because you jumped into the statement of purpose erm you assum er there was an assumed er was okay erm I put superb and I ca n't remember what that actually was there .
11 Cairns , convinced an earlier declaration could have given Notts a chance of victory , at one stage squatted in mid-pitch with his head in his hands and was only directed back to the middle after setting off for the pavilion .
12 In this campaign too — the battle of the River Ebro — the government forces had the initial advantage of surprise , but their much depleted physical and military strength made them unable to turn it to their permanent advantage and they were eventually pushed back to their original positions .
13 The current embrace in Britain of utility clothing and design is best traced back to the Eighties baseball thing — the period when genuine US clothing brands , from workwear to sports names like Russell Athletic , began turning up in shops like London 's Passenger and The Duffer of St George .
14 In the summer of 1617 Best travelled back to Yorkshire to manage the family estate at Elmswell , near Driffield , which had been bought by his father in 1598 , and to supervise the upbringing of his young siblings and half-siblings .
15 Others present included Lord David Cecil , who had lately come back to Oxford to teach English Literature at New College , and Adam Fox , the college chaplain .
16 The three other members of the crew had just come back to the pump — we were doing " series pumping " — they had brought me a bottle of beer and I was taking a swig .
17 I 've been working abroad for the last twenty years , I 've just come back to the U K and my family 's all died , and I do n't know anybody , and I 'm going to start off working here .
18 No I 've just come back to it and I find my lunch box overflowing with crisp packets .
19 One of the men has already come back to Britain voluntarily , the older one is fighting extradition
20 He stayed in Moscow for two months before he returned to St. Petersburg and soon sailed back to Scotland .
21 ‘ My family were Huguenots , my lady , and therefore unwanted in la belle France , ’ D'Alembord 's contemptuous scorn for France made the Countess bridle , but he had already turned back to Lucille .
22 ( In good humour he has already turned back to the mime : the two SPIES awaiting execution at the hands of the PLAYER ) Audiences know what to expect , and that is all that they are prepared to believe in .
23 As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under our patrol commander and soon moved back to base , tired but satisfied that we 'd done a good job .
24 Owing to a bizarre mix-up between a Japanese morse operator in the South China Sea , and new early closing times at Whaddon Post Office , when football finally got back to normal in 1946 , Athletico , now fielding eleven internationals , found themselves in the Mid-Counties Combination instead of the higher Mid-Counties South-West League ( Northern Division ) .
25 As he had finally got back to Mrs Lorimer 's and was washing his face , he was wondering how much of the dirty water of the drug scene had washed over Rose and Steve .
26 I 've just got back to England .
27 I 've only just got back to the UK ’ He looked around him .
28 ‘ I 've only just got back to my room and picked up your message .
29 They were soon summoned back to London .
30 Two of our number , feeling no pain from imbibed refreshment , climbed into the engine tender by mistake , but they were soon herded back to the warmth and light of the Superintendent 's coach , which was the ultimate in railway luxury .
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