Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] him with " in BNC.

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1 But he was troubled ; his low birth had hitherto endowed him with a most precious obscurity to sweeten with sons and with the presence of his God .
2 Robert can see Henry 's star quality and has already aligned him with an animal talent agency ( Satch 's Animals ) , although his one date with the cameras so far — for a Lucozade commercial — was n't exactly a smash .
3 Fitzosbert , however , had already dismissed him with a flicker of his eyes and was staring coolly at Sir John as if to prove he was not cowed by any show of authority .
4 It was as if , gasping out his last breath , that battered , bitter and vindictive old man had somehow injected him with some small portion of his own bitter resolve .
5 He was not the clear favourite for the Oval Office , for there were other men whose achievements were more palpable than George Crowninshield 's , but he looked good , sounded better and no journalist had ever discovered him with his fingers in the till or his legs in the wrong bed .
6 And he remembered with satisfaction , because it proved that he was not at fault , that Miriam and Louise had both approached him with some wild tale about Miss Hughes leading their brothers into debauchery and sensuality .
7 Early maternal deprivation had clearly left him with a hankering for mother figures in his life and I was n't the first .
8 His education had also left him with a love for all things English .
9 Or he could follow the Germans , who have duly provided him with an excuse for higher base rates at next week 's party conference — but have also made it abundantly clear that the Bundesbank is the dominant monetary authority in Europe , and our much-vaunted independence is so much poppy-cock .
10 The President accepted the law , but under protest , delighted that the Assembly had thereby provided him with a weapon which could be turned against them when the need arose .
11 She had often tired him with her chatter , with her bursts of personal revelations , ‘ Today I feel this — yesterday I felt that , ’ but suddenly he wished she would talk to him .
12 But he told his bosses in London who have now provided him with round-the-clock protection for fear he could be in the sights of an IRA killer gang .
13 ‘ The Met have now provided him with round-the-clock protection as they fear the filofax could fall into the hands of the IRA , ’ said the source .
14 In short , life had really left him with little more than a reputation and a network of scars .
15 Millie 's evidently seen him with the slates coming off the roof and the storm cones flying .
16 She had never seen him with his hair cut short , and the absence of the red-blond locks made him for a moment unrecognisable .
17 She had never seen him with an umbrella before .
18 The answer came suddenly , a slap in the face that made her wince : because , on the only occasion when Merrill had actually confronted him with her suspicions — had brought them right out into the open — she had n't given him a chance to explain .
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