Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] into another " in BNC.

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1 It is a tribute to the smoothness of the operation that many private pilots do not realise that they have effectively moved into another country 's airspace when they enter the Jersey zone .
2 The trap had been beautifully set , and he 'd only avoided it because thanks to Bartocci 's machinations he 'd already fallen into another one .
3 With the Arcady experience behind her , Sharon was soon thrust into another radically different musical environment when the offer came to join The Waterboys .
4 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
5 The journalist with whom I 'd joined TWW on the same week from sister papers in Cardiff had wickedly gone into another room to make the mischievous call .
6 It is usually transformed into another more popular form .
7 SCOTTISH women have now broken into another supposedly impenetrable male bastion — international rugby , writes Sarah Wilson .
8 But , as I say , this is about ten years ago but we 're now run into another problem whereby the erm institutions are beginning go back again and want to project their own images , right the way through .
9 There is a concerted desire to destroy what remains of the referential illusion : what seems ‘ real ’ is immediately transformed into another representation in the form of a painting , a postcard or a film .
10 The teacher was then taken into another room and shown an apparatus which could deliver electric shocks to the learner .
11 but the interest is then paid into another account which is in joint names .
12 They then loaded the haul of jeans , tops and jackets the value of which is not yet known into another stolen Isuzu jeep .
13 Finally , the western point , with short laterals , indicates that the island has recently entered into another period of westward extension , though the point is subject to considerable modification from year to year .
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