Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] as i " in BNC.

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1 In fact , that was only done as I walked through the door .
2 Darkness had suddenly settled as I entered the orchard at Brigade H.Q Taff was in the trench , standing by his Bren swatting the mosquitoes and cursing loudly to himself .
3 I write with a strong sense of the necessity of continuing our — talk , and without premeditation , under the impression that you were indeed as much struck as I was by our quite extraordinary to ask if it would be possible for me to call on you , perhaps one day next week .
4 Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind , and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst day of all .
5 Tomorrow is usually explained as I am going to the theatre tomorrow but with all the slots elided except the adjunct tomorrow .
6 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
7 I knew too that if Jerry had ever behaved as I did , taking on more than he could chew , then I too would have responded in like manner .
8 Was this ever issued as I 've seen nothing of it anywhere ?
9 The tank was still covered as I assumed the eggs to be light sensitive .
10 If her hip and knee and ankle are as badly damaged as I hope — I mean as they could be — she 'll be unable to take herself up or down the stairs .
11 Some of the Sake was also consumed as I recall !
12 large plates of rock seem only marginally attached as I follow the rope tugging gently from over my shoulder .
13 All thoughts of tiredness had now gone as I prepared myself for breakfast and quickened my pace towards the barn .
14 Erm so I think it was probably quite well attended though there were a vast number of these green files left at the end so may be it was n't as well attended as I thought it had been .
15 Its my own personal opinion that the only true love and er I have to honestly say I 've never heard love here defined as I would as the totally unconditional love that happens between a woman and a child , probably from the moment of birth that bonds them through life , that 's the only love that I could ever admit to .
16 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
17 I had no idea whether anyone else felt as I did , suffered the same pre-menstrual depression or the same cramping pains .
18 So at last something 's been done about it , and the new renovations and extensions , being officially opened as I write , will be there to delight you all next season .
19 Badly born , poorly educated as I am , how do I have the nerve to pass comment on the society I live in — let alone marry a professor of economics and co-author with him — the publisher 's term , not mine — a book on Darcian Monetarism ?
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