Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Resochin was not pursued at that time , but both compounds were duly registered for purposes of patenting .
2 It was a rickety old piece of work ; presumably intended for servants banished from the regular stairs .
3 Judge McKinnon had been widely criticized for comments made during his hearing of a case of inciting racial hatred .
4 ‘ Er … ’ said Zach thoughtfully , feeling a little stumped for words , ‘ Er , Mr Oakley says that he 'd like to er … converse with you .
6 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
7 Although it was especially developed for babies at risk of allergy , many nutritionists believe that it would benefit all babies to follow a similar , gradual pattern of weaning , If your family is not allergy prone , you can adapt it to suit your needs , circumstances and baby .
8 The resources of the AIB and its equivalent organisations throughout the world are necessarily limited for reasons of economy , and the person in charge has to deploy his forces in the most effective manner he can devise while at the same time always keeping enough reserves in hand in case of a major catastrophe .
9 If a business only exceeds the threshold for arrivals of goods and not despatches , then SSDs are only completed for arrivals ; similarly , if the threshold is only breached for goods despatched , then SSDs only need to be completed for despatches .
10 ‘ The play is a hotch-potch of fairytale and modern juvenile humour , which , even if it is only designed for children , has very little appeal , ’ he wrote .
11 Highly recommended for visitors who enjoy mountain and country walks , this area boasts magnificent gorges and also , by way of contrast , the stunning romanesque and renaissance monuments of L'Aquila .
12 Extra payments are only made for items not detailed in the original spec .
13 Nigeria 's rainforests have been so exploited for logs that the country now imports more hardwood than it exports .
14 During a three-day visit to BLDSC at Boston Spa , the Thesis Declaration forms were manually scanned for records of loans of the theses .
15 Normally only used for foundations .
16 He converted the first two into toilets and the others were only used for customers , invariably foreign journalists who were too drunk to drive home .
17 Of course , it is vital to ensure the car service is only used for patients who are suitable .
18 The annual holiday in Cornwall was eagerly anticipated for months .
19 In the past it was much used for teapots , milk jugs and other forms of tableware .
20 there were five red and gold crackers on the starched , white cloth and all the presents were ready in the old pillowcases they 'd all used for years at Christmas .
21 He had constantly called for reductions in the burdens of taxation on both corporations and individuals and regularly denounced the federal government for being too big , too meddlesome and too wasteful of the taxpayers ' money .
22 Never much cared for gastrics .
23 If a business only exceeds the threshold for arrivals of goods and not despatches , then SSDs are only completed for arrivals ; similarly , if the threshold is only breached for goods despatched , then SSDs only need to be completed for despatches .
24 When John , Mark Rowley and Jonathan Mason all crossed for tries to send Pontypridd into a 35–3 lead , midway through the half , it appeared as if the Old Boys would be sunk without trace .
25 Her angular Norfolk vowels seemed especially suited for goats .
26 It is not true to say that a menstruating woman is unclean — she has a status of tameh , a word which has been wrongly translated for years as ‘ unclean ’ but which would be much better translated as ‘ impure ’ .
27 This will occur once a pidgin-speaking community is sufficiently settled for children to be born , and to grow up hearing the pidgin spoken all around them .
28 Some rooms are especially adapted for visitors with physical disabilities .
29 But she was n't worried about the way the script finished up and had apparently asked for changes herself .
30 Fortunately it was only meant for rabbits . ’
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