Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] for me " in BNC.

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1 So vote for me . ’
2 Not much comfort for me there .
3 Hello All right I wonder if you could ask him if he 'd like a coffee or tea and erm er er just wait for me .
4 First , two sonnets on the theme that the poetry will survive the poet 's death , 71 ( ‘ No longer mourn for me when I am dead ’ ) and 74 .
5 I want something deeper than the stuff you usually do for me , so do n't look for ways to cut corners .
6 Ron and I take each year as it comes and we always plan for me to run a personal best every season .
7 By giving me a little he was showing both concern for me and his determination that I should pay materially for what I had done to him .
8 His pride of heart and condition may again take place and a man who could in so little a space first love me , then hate , then banish me his house and now send for me again in such affectionate terms may still waver , may still deceive thee .
9 Now wait for me your team 's coming now .
10 Miguel put his finger on her lips and whispered , ‘ Please wait for me .
11 Hilton receipts for Chris 's room and everyone 's breakfast : please keep for me to take up with them .
12 Please reserve for me a sixteenth of a page space in the August issue of Folk Roots .
13 And McAllister , you can keep Effie here steady for me while I take another look at her .
14 Please pray for me as I 'll need all the support I can get .
15 Take Nosey and the spare horse , then wait for me at the crossroads .
16 Yet if they press me sharply , and harry me through the day , Then look for me by moonlight .
17 Then look for me by moonlight , watch for me by moonlight , I 'll come to thee by moonlight , though hell shall bar the way .
18 You understand that you are dying in no man 's land , and when you hear the Royal Welch sing , I will give you a cue light and then scream for me , woodjew , there 's a good chap .
19 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
20 I can get anybody you name at the BBC to talk to my office and then vouch for me . ’
21 ‘ They were on the look-out for a female DJ so everyone was very up for me from the word go .
22 Why is it that the pokes never work for me ?
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