Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that the Committee " s project of combating the " diseased " majority cultures and sustaining a healthy sense of Englishness by mobilizing literature in education , has little place for serving industrial needs .
2 There is also a WITHIN command for limiting the search area to within a specified number of words of another specified keyword .
3 There does n't seem to be much support for trying or even thinking about it .
4 Ng Cheng Kiat ( MCA ) , hitherto Minister for Housing and Local Government , was appointed Minister of Health , vacant since the death of Chan Siang Sun in March .
5 Many ECP programmes include options to issue in more than one currency , although the majority still only allow for issuing in US dollars .
6 If the argument for imposing a requirement of reasonableness is a forceful one as Lord Cross suggests , then it is curious that he should consider that the ordinary use of the term rape is a good enough reason for forgoing such a requirement .
7 She would not have told him where she was going , but for the life of her she would not have been able to invent a pressing enough reason for leaving the house , least of all with only the shelter of her flimsy summer hat , since an umbrella had not been top of her list of things to pack when she had hurriedly boarded the plane at Heathrow .
8 But a good enough reason for coming is just to sample the friendly local hospitality and exotic food .
9 Letting trainees see themselves teach may seem in itself a good enough reason for recording teachers teaching : the benefits of being able to see themselves as their students see them appear to be so obvious .
10 Neither has the polarity between Male and Female which we so take for granted ever been based on rock-solid foundations , but has depended on a variety of shifting meanings .
11 No service was held at the Nikolai Kirche in Leipzig , where the city 's massive weekly demonstrations had started in the autumn of 1989 , and instead a notice was pinned up outside the church saying : " With 2,000,000 unemployed we see little cause for celebrating " .
12 We think the obligation for doing this should be laid on creditors , but think the cost involved in securing this improvement to their accuracy should be met by the bureaux themselves , as an addition to the fee which they already pay for getting material from the Central Registry .
13 The staff might have been helped by an outsider who could question those things that teachers generally take for granted ( for instance , by asking what they meant by their habitual use of the term ‘ bright children ’ ) , or who could suggest an appropriate range of evaluative techniques .
14 Even a skeletal list of the fundamentally important matters which we thus take for granted would be very long .
15 Feelings were mixed , a touch of sadness that it was all over and the thought of a shower , some dry clothes and other such luxuries one normally take for granted .
16 Tim Albery 's production takes this weird eighteenth-century fantasy of nobles , bourgeois , and servants , all of whom finally settle for marrying their own class , and instils it with Fuselian surrealism .
17 The instruments that would be needed for communicating echo pictures are no more sophisticated than the instruments that both bats and dolphins already have for echolocating in the first place .
18 White and Stevenson ( 1975 ) offer further support for signing as part of Total Communication over oral methods , though their study was relatively small and involved an interpreter presenting information .
19 He also invented the symbolism we still use for expressing the atoms : H for hydrogen , O for oxygen , Fe for iron , and so on , based upon the initial letter or letters of their Latin name .
20 It 's one of those things that you always take for granted till it 's obviously taken away from you .
21 Still , it is not that he wants biologists to give them more credit for maintaining the planet .
22 Why has n't evolution produced organisms that practically last for selecting for is reproductive success .
23 Plausible schemes also exist for producing the other constituents of the cloud particles .
24 With the advent of genetic screening techniques , the possibilities also exist for eliminating from employment consideration those whose genetic traits predict an increased risk of future disease or injury .
25 I also take for granted the fact that the water is normally heated , and that there is a mikva which is easily accessible from my home .
26 We also take for granted a set of linguistic categories which will be more or less common knowledge to those who have a basic familiarity with the workings of the English language , whether in literary or non-literary contexts .
27 It is a prevalent source of distress to teachers that they are unable to ‘ be themselves ’ in school , and this is the reason that they often give for leaving , or wanting to leave , the profession .
28 I have a Toshiba 1000XE portable ( 8086 processor ) which I mainly use for wordprocessing and a small database .
29 Lawyers , on the other hand , often call for changing even settled practice in midgame .
30 Therefore , as foreseen at Bucharest , some of the goals and recommendations of the Plan now call for complementing and further refinement . "
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