Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Only make it sound as if you really believe it this time . ’
2 So make it go , you push upwards with a
3 So make it compete with outsiders .
4 ‘ I only eat it to annoy your uncle . ’
5 Boro 's crowd gave their local boy a warm welcome , so warm it burned him off .
6 No , the two pro , the thing that the two prongs sit in is cracked so naturally say it had to go into a hole that size , right ?
7 After much debate it seems that these were built for rabbits to live and breed in so that they could be caught for meat and fur .
8 ‘ Yes , there are plans for a musical , it is true we are talking about doing one with Kylie and we all very much want it to happen , ’ admitted Pete Waterman .
9 I only hope it does n't ruin your party atmosphere ! ’
10 I only hope it did not rain , as , for most of the daylight , it did here .
11 As well as saving the animals from dying of thirst , the relocation is also intended to take some of the pressure off the park 's vegetation , and so prevent it turning into desert .
12 it 's inside cover it does n't
13 So let it go .
14 It 's a sleeping dog , my dear , so let it lie . ’
15 so let it come to pass for you and the manservant were yield so that particular was all about faith , so
16 only wear it to go out
17 A respectable enough record it seems , but it has to be remembered that Cipriani had to fight with at least two distinct handicaps .
18 So save it say Y and it 'll save it .
19 The fingers were long , unnaturally thin , the skin on them so clear it seemed he could see right through them to the bone itself .
20 ‘ I gave up worrying about Florian 's women years ago , ’ she responded automatically , her cynicism where Florian 's personal affairs were concerned so complete it had almost become tolerance .
21 Back in those hours I had remained a long time outside the door of North One , being filled by a sorrow so complete it overflowed , and I covered my ears not to hear any more .
22 I only know it has a very vulgar sound ; and I do n't want to hear you using it . ’ ’
23 ‘ I only know it has four wheels and it goes , ’ she said , laughing .
24 ‘ The outside world perceived it as ‘ a job for life ’ , but people inside know it means you have EMPLOYMENT as long as you like .
25 If you could find me a garret somewhere near you , where I could live for the next three months , I could finish it , and perhaps get it Published .
26 So get it to go all the way .
27 Only use it to protect the contents of the Scrap while erasing .
28 They obviously keep it cut and keep it up to scratch .
29 I only 'ope it do n't come to a General Strike , Don .
30 Yellow is more stimulating , so use it to brighten up a cold room
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