Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] at a " in BNC.

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1 The important thing is to increase time before pace ; so walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes , gently stretching yourself as you go .
2 As the blades only meet at a single point when cutting , they retain their sharpness for a lifetime of use .
3 In reciprocal discourse , then , interlocutors can always establish , by the turn-taking of talk , the necessary grounds of shared knowledge , and so arrive at a mutually satisfactory schematic convergence .
4 I would n't be much use at a party . ’
5 Revenue figures necessarily start at a modest level and even 100 per cent growth leaves us with a level only slightly less modest .
6 Occasionally he sneaked off to one side and had a good long suck at a silver flask .
7 We did n't have much to do , just sit at a table or something , and when it 's over I go outside and sit in the car , and Peckinpah comes out and gives me this look .
8 Secondly , married women whose earnings are curtailed ( but nevertheless remain at a level above the ICA earnings limit ) or who stop work altogether and claim ICA are likely to find their financial dependency on an earning spouse is increased .
9 Just look at a swan landing on water , a whale leaping out of the water , or a child playing on the beach — such beauty just in the movements .
10 Any time you have something such as the Rodney King incident on video tape for the entire nation to see , and the jurors somehow arrive at a verdict of not guilty , it is obvious that the system is not based on truth or justice at all .
11 These already exist as , as obviously the speakers to the motion is , are aware , they already exist at a national level , erm if we support this motion obviously what we 're talking about here is introducing er awards at local or regional level .
12 These changes in form thus occur at a multitude of levels , from the molecular to that of an entire population , and are conserved by genetic transmission .
13 Is it possible to disconnect each thing from itself and still arrive at a recognisable record ?
14 In fact , since free fighting changes all the time to meet new circumstances and requirements , the stances also change at a rapid pace .
15 They also remove at a stroke the central workplace the bedrock of strong trade union organization .
16 In 1940 , Mannheim concluded : ’ Where unemployment and crime both stand at a high water mark , it can safely be assumed that the latter is largely due to the former . ’
17 But broadcasting costs are more volatile than other costs and also rise at a faster rate so that even a licence fee increase which keeps up with general costs is an actual real decrease in its total value .
18 These developments also come at a time when drives for greater efficiency are features of both public and private sectors .
19 Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision .
20 What makes the privatisations even more attractive is that vouchers on the secondary market now sell at a discount of over 60% .
21 Schizophrenia , or split personality , is the most common serious mental illness and studies carried out so far hint at a genetic link , although no susceptible genes have yet been identified .
22 The same argument can explain why different functions often decline at a similar age : synchronous collapse does not imply a single mechanism of senescence ( J. Maynard Smith , personal communication ) .
23 They now worship at a new hall , but the pastor admits that many older villagers miss the little chapel .
24 They buy always from fellow dealers , never at auction , and now exhibit at a dozen major fairs each year .
25 Sock Shop shares , having hit 325p last year , now stand at a record low of 62p .
26 Parents often arrive at a session with a large number of complaints and generalizations about their child 's behaviour .
27 One is that I often stay at a first-class hotel to merge into the background .
28 Well look at a miner I mean if he worked three days a week he might only get thirty shillings , in tho very very very seldom worked a full week .
29 Somehow you can put up with and even smile at a stranger or workmate 's silly antics and daft behaviour , but when someone close to you starts rubbing you up the wrong way you 'll explode .
30 For details of these please ask at a Post Office Counter , or phone the Parcelforce National Enquiry Centre on 0800 22 44 66 .
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