Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 One has loyalties to working colleagues and to professional colleagues elsewhere ; our loyalties to these alone make both work and a professional career immensely rewarding .
2 Erm I 'll attempt to do that tonight but I do n't hold out much hope so do n't hold your breath .
3 So Nuer readily acknowledge that when they pray and give thanks to kwoth with appropriate offerings they restore to him what is already his .
4 This is music that does n't fart , belch or sweat , a handful of songs which do n't so much live as exist , patiently .
5 And that would probably be a good enough start just put five , ten .
6 We may regret we live in a permissive society but I doubt whether even the most staunch defender of a better age would maintain that all or even most of those who have at one time or in one way or another been led astray morally have thereby become depraved or corrupt " .
7 The good grip and long handle also enable it to move most nuts that other tools wo n't budge .
8 Bankers are generally in a position to make specific conditions for providing finance and so have little need for the audit , abbreviated accounts filed 10 months after the year end are of little value to trade suppliers and customers , and the Revenue 's reliance on audited accounts is ‘ largely illusory ’ , the Institute says .
9 Now in the in the first year of business , you 'd be allowed capital allowances on that which is m may well er varies i in the proportion , but just say just say it 's er ten percent , five hundred pounds , actually will you make that four hundred .
10 Well just say just say no , cos I mean she ca n't like fucking rule your life .
11 No no no no can I no no yes just let just let me pursue pursue the the thing the way I would like to at the moment .
12 No , do n't speak , just listen please listen that includes you .
13 Well just hope just pray and hope that the temperature do n't go up slightly .
14 best tip Never rinse mushrooms under cold running water to clean them — they will go soggy .
15 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
16 Right well just hang just hang on er oh
17 They normally commission outside work like printing leaflets or posters .
18 normally go clockwise do n't you ?
19 Could you hang on just a minute do n't go away just stay there hold on .
20 You just go just go
21 Just peak just speak to each other normally .
22 Yer just 'ave ter ease up on yer tidyin' up , or yer 'll drive 'im right roun ’ the twist .
23 I entirely agree with er my honourable friend , er not only er is the lower non-wage cost a reason for inward investment being attracted to Britain but it 's also why together with our general economic policy , why workers in Britain enjoy in real terms , some of the best take home pay packets in Europe .
24 if you watch after Home and Away come here tell you something
25 Erm if just take just think of singers at the moment .
26 Hops thus contain both flavour and bittering components making them valuable ingredients in brewing .
28 Just see just see wee black things in my eye .
29 ‘ I still expect ter see 'im come walkin' out o' that yard , ’ she said , nodding to the Galloway stables on the bend of the street .
30 Cos we usually walk slowly do n't we ?
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