Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] because i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm definitely less stressed because I do n't have to do the four things I was no good at — timesheets , billing , chasing debtors and doing my expenses ! ’
2 Again I was personally involved because I was one of White Waltham 's Commanding Officers during the last few years of my Service career .
3 The photographer and author , Daniel Farson , recollects Minton surrounded by sailors and fussing over his latest infatuation as if he were a chorus girl , whilst simultaneously complaining , ‘ I 'm only liked because I 'm rich .
4 By that time I had already established because I did the documentary stuff , I 'd already established the ownership of the house and the house began life as the town house of a monastery called Priory .
5 I have an intarsia carriage which I have rarely used because I find intarsia slow and tedious .
6 I get totally confused because I end up watching C N N anyway , so it 's
7 And then it was further endorsed because I went to hear him at Johnstown and I thought to myself well I felt sorry that he was erm what 's the word I want ?
8 Actually , on stage it 's also mixed because I put one Fender cab on top and a Marshall cab on the bottom and then a Marshall cab on top and a Fender cab on the bottom .
9 At the same time I can remember going along to clubs , like the Vortex , and being slightly hassled because I was kissing my boyfriend .
10 I was emotionally prepared because I had just had what seemed to me then an incredibly traumatic experience .
11 er I mean I have a bit of a problem with him sort of going in and identifying all these fourteen ten tenets if you like of er what er the peasants have actually done because I do n't think
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