Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] but i " in BNC.

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1 Since I repotted it this spring into a generous-sized pot , it has not only burgeoned but I 've also found it much easier to keep the compost just nicely moist .
2 Country vets are n't easily sickened but I felt my stomach turning .
3 I was n't totally prepared but I knew what it was like .
4 I do n't know whether that is widely understood but I think it 's quite and important feature of our proposals .
5 We 've slightly digressed but I take your , I take your point .
6 Formerly seconded but I reserve my right to speak .
7 I realise this is higher than originally envisaged but I firmly believe our approach will lead to the best result .
8 I 've now retired but I was a lawyer , a solicitor , and er I enjoyed doing that and er when I was a lot younger I had lots of er friends who er were all interested in the theatre , and some of them went into it professionally and some er some stuck with the amateur world as I did .
9 The race itself was very well organised but I was absolutely amazed at the way in which the winning women were treated in comparison to the winning men during the prize giving ceremony later on .
10 ‘ Sometimes they 've managed to find one that is n't even scheduled but I 'm dreading getting stuck they 'll have to send me home in a taxi . ’
11 My bonny lies over the ocean The words are well known but I worked out some actions I use as follows :
12 ‘ The whole atmosphere is very well observed but I do n't know how accurately it portrays the Hasidim .
13 It is quite adequately furnished but I wish it to be in really bon ton .
14 I got very close to God , I felt emotionally drained but I benefited tremendously from the trip .
15 It used to get to the point where I was completely shattered but I would n't ask her to take over and yet she would n't offer .
16 There does n't seem to be any great love lost between Reed and Harris , and even now Harris says , ‘ Oliver and I have never met but I 'm a great admirer of his .
17 But I tell you something now when you go skiing on January the fourth I 've never skied but I can assure you this James I know for a fact is going to special lessons .
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