Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] it [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It might well be argued that the USM , now containing some 900 companies with a market capitalisation of less than £50m , has long outlived it usefulness .
2 This makes it empiricist in a very sharp and disputable form , which has lately cost it allegiance even among most other empiricists .
3 Nuclear Electric says the station 's closure since February 1991 has already lost it £125 million .
4 The , they really convert bibles for doing that is because I 've always done that of er right that 's , that 's out of the way , jump the paperwork , now what about talking about your clubs and that t to sort of close down the call and relax the client for getting into referral mode and I 've always done it tail end on so the introduction to the referral is at the beginning and perhaps looking for them during i is totally unfamiliar , I mean I do note the odd thing as I go through and note them down on the , the but I 'd never been used to actually although we were told referrals how and why that went with it .
5 Sammy Wilson , the DUP press officer , dissociated the party from Seawright 's remarks : ‘ The DUP has always made it crystal clear — as Protestants we believe in civil and religious liberty for all men , and no one should be persecuted for their religious beliefs .
6 One type of music that has always had it s roots in the spiritual realm is traditional Irish .
7 certain extent , you 've totally transformed it Barry .
8 It obviously recognized him as the only being that had ever showed it kindness .
9 Professor MacFee had read it had been startled by its undoubted merit , and had carefully discussed it chapter by chapter with him , suggesting how to improve it .
10 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
11 Some researchers , such as Ernest Hartmann , even called it D sleep ( for dreaming ) to distinguish it from non-dreaming slow wave sleep .
12 Well they have indeed won it Mrs Satterley and we hope that you will continue to enjoy your knitting , with their help , in spite of your poor health .
13 Firstly , in the last decade it has consistently met it aim of improving profits and earnings per share by at least 20 per cent a year .
14 It was n't King Street any more of course — at least , not officially , for some months earlier the Cork Corporation had defiantly renamed it MacCurtain Street in honour of the city 's martyred Lord Mayor .
15 I 've certainly seen it sort of as a viable alternative for larger vehicles , you know , buses and this sort of thing .
16 and I 've never washed it hand wash it .
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