Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Through this method you stimulate the person to look at things afresh and to think aloud .
2 It is difficult not to infer that they grew to suffer deprivations more impatiently and to believe more strongly that earthly happiness was attainable .
3 Although Edinburgh has the largest law faculty in Scotland and is unrivalled in the range of undergraduate courses it provides , it is still small enough for students to get to know members of staff personally and to mix easily with other students .
4 They like to walk together and to fish together .
5 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
6 It is important to slow down , rest properly and to eat sensibly .
7 the skills enabling pupils to function collaboratively and to participate positively and with understanding in general discussion ;
8 In addition the government intended to strengthen and toughen measures to deal with new immigration by trebling the annual budget of the Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides ( OFPRA ) and of the appeals commission , in order to process requests for asylum much more quickly and to deal effectively with those rejected .
9 Failure to recognise the underlying condition quickly and to treat appropriately is all too common in the UK and can be catastrophic .
10 In the end I was told to go home and to stay there .
11 With the introduction of general management , an attempt has been made to address the clinician-management interface directly and to challenge formally , at least in theory , the tight grip of doctors over the NHS as an organisation .
12 The challenge — more urgent now than it was even in the cold war — is to think differently and to act otherwise .
13 I would tell any future House of Commons to study legislation more carefully and to legislate less .
14 We 'd been heavily blitzed and this gave us the opportunity to think big and boldly and to think philosophically .
15 Nothing now but to go inside ; to leave
16 A resolution passed overwhelmingly empowers the republican government — which has effectively taken charge since the disintegration of Soviet central authority after the failed coup in August — to close the second reactor immediately and to bring forward the closure of the whole complex from 1995 to 1993 .
17 It is part of such a character to reason syllogistically and to do so his passions must be silent .
18 The incident had actually happened two years ago but to say so would have diluted the force of the tale .
19 Patients were also instructd to eat at 1 pm and 8 pm and to remain upright during the day and to be supine from 10 pm to 8 am .
20 Since many negotiations seem to break down at the implementation stage it is often worth making a prior commitment to monitor progress jointly and to meet again shortly after implementation is supposed to start .
21 Therefore er I , I do feel that there 's a the Government have a very great difficulty over this matter , I 'm a keen and sympathetic supporter of the Government as all My Lords know , but on this occasion I do think that we would be entitled to ask them to think a again and to do so on this matter .
22 The free volume concept has been touched on in previous sections but it is instructive now to consider this idea more closely and to draw together the various points alluded to earlier .
23 In 1976 Brewer and Hills stated that ‘ It is time for librarians to take evaluation more seriously and to think more professionally about their teaching commitment ’ .
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