Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Obviously in the winter it still may not provide enough and will have to be supplemented with concentrates and this assumes that the pasture has been well maintained and is not overstocked .
2 If the plant lifts , you have not firmed enough and will have to do the job again .
3 But even the happiness Mother and Father felt at being able to live together under the same roof at last was tinged with sadness , because they both liked Stainmore very much and would have preferred to stay in the area .
4 Those shown in the brochure are for guidance only and may have changed since we went to press .
5 Those shown in the Flight Timetable are for guidance only and may have changed .
6 No doubt it would not be beyond the wit of nature to join up the cellulose molecules sideways with primary chemical bonds so that it would be thoroughly tied together and would have much the same strength in every direction .
7 There are builders , architects , bankers , colleagues , consultants , and coaches ( with whom it is possible to share jokes and moments of relaxation , knowing what we have been through together and may have to face again , at any moment ) to see .
8 Students will normally be 18 years of age or above and must have a minimum of :
9 The poor thing cant walk properly anymore and may have to wear nappies for the rest of its life . ’
10 Although he was obviously placed carefully on to the sofa , the freshly pomaded hair is awry and could have benefited from a comb prior to being photographed .
11 Reducing now the current ( and H with it ) we shall not retrace the same curve ; B will decrease much more slowly and will have a finite value at zero current .
12 This holds regardless of whether the mechanism , behavioural , chemical or otherwise , might have evolved arbitrarily or might have been the only possible one phylogenetically .
13 If the new clauses are accepted , we will make sure that genuine asylum seekers will be treated decently and will have access to proper independent legal advice .
14 Very often , even though the planes came back safely , there would be dead and injured on board , and sometimes a damaged aircraft would have been unable to release its bombs either over the target or in the North Sea on the way home and would have to land back at base with the bombs still on board .
15 The ‘ once and might have been ’
16 We become insensitive to what we might call the ‘ once and might have been ’ of faith .
17 Out of this deep sense of the ‘ once and might have been ’ , which threw the wonder of salvation into sharp relief , he wrote the hymn , ‘ Amazing Grace ’ .
18 Without the constant reminder of the ‘ once and might have been ’ , a blasé attitude of complacency is harder to resist .
19 Remember honestly , remember fully and the present moment will be so vividly contrasted with the ‘ once and might have been ’ that a hard heart will be melted and sealed lips broken open by praise .
20 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that the Leader of the House has listened carefully and will have noted what has been said on this important matter .
21 The same waves reached Hawaii in the central Pacific less than 5 hours later and must have travelled at a speed of 740 km per hour .
22 Hung Feng-Chan danced round the front of the horse , trying to grab the halter , but Li Yuan shouted at him angrily and would have waved him away were he not clinging on dearly with both hands .
23 You pay nothing now and will have 15 days to study your policy after it arrives .
24 All guests will differ emotionally , physically and temperamentally and will have a wide variety of likes , dislikes , tastes and income levels .
25 The 20-year-old arrives tomorrow and should have his debut in the League Cup second round tie at home to Monaghan .
26 To be guilty of theft the offender , as I shall call him , must act dishonestly and must have the intention of permanently depriving the owner of property .
27 He or she will also know local churches well and should have worked out in advance the best setting for family photographs , special effects and romantic pictures .
28 John Gorman says … they were disappointed with the result but they played well and could have won … the spirit is good in the team and the support from the fans was brilliant
29 John Gorman says … they were disappointed with the result but they played well and could have won … the spirit is good in the team and the support from the fans was brilliant
30 Glenn Hoddle says he thinks his team will win because there is a determination running throughout the club and the supporters who were robbed three years ago and could have gone on for another fifty or sixty years waiting a chance like this …
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