Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [prep] all " in BNC.

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31 The park , unlikely though it might seem , was not a job , not a political ideology , not a way of filling in the weary hours until she was old enough to retire , not even something to spite her mother with once and for all while she accepted everything else from her .
32 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
33 And always , at the back of his mind , there was the business with the Police ; a mere shadow , as he repeatedly reminded himself , without substance , but there just the same and often , as he went through Ostkreuz on the S-Bahn , he was tempted to get off and see Lieutenant Werner , merely to get the matter sorted out once and for all but , mindful of Bodo 's advice , he never did .
34 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
35 He added : ‘ Let us move beyond containment , and once and for all end the Cold War . ’
36 On the first anniversary of that invasion , when thousands of Czechoslovak demonstrators were dispersed on Mr Husak 's orders by the police with military support , he was awarded the Order of Lenin , the highest honour the Russians could give him , and his acceptance of it sealed his fate once and for all Within two years of becoming party leader he purged all but 26 of the central committee members who had been in office before the invasion .
37 ‘ The understanding of our history we achieved in preparing for the 70th anniversary of October is not something frozen and given once and for all .
38 At times she is whimsical as on a visit by Princess Margaret to Jamaica in 1955 : ‘ May I go on record once and for all — I hate to bend the knee , except to God , and even then not too often . ’
39 The money was as shadowily outlined as the permission , but , like the EFR agreement itself , it revealed the government 's unwillingness to relinquish once and for all its place in the search for inexhaustible energy .
40 Indeed , it may be argued that the success of Christianity in establishing the finality of the cross in dealing with sin ‘ once and for all ’ has removed from our minds its roots in the common experience of our lives .
41 ‘ I 'm going to give you the score on that once and for all .
42 Once and for all .
43 A ‘ film ’ is no longer just 90 minutes of celluloid : Batman proved that once and for all .
44 He pleaded , hardly sounding like the tough guy the public identified him with , ‘ Surely there must be some way for a person falsely accused of disloyalty to clear his name once and for all ?
45 Why not simply take the hint and turn his back on the village once and for all ?
46 Gardeners have been arguing about this for years , so I hope we can clear the matter up now once and for all .
47 Tell her it 's over once and for all .
48 This is a serious point , and I sat on the bridge thinking about how to settle it once and for all .
49 He justified the ‘ legal regulation of the problem ’ as the only way of heading off the likelihood of spontaneous ‘ defensive actions of the enraged population ’ , and claimed the German government had been compelled ‘ by the idea of being able , through a once and for all secular solution , of perhaps creating a basis on which the German people might possibly be able to find a tolerable relationship with the Jewish people ’ .
50 Within the Nazi Movement and the coercive apparatus of the State , symbolizing the struggle to rid Germany of its Jews , and increasingly the struggle to destroy Jewry itself once and for all , it had a significance which can hardly be overrated .
51 Mr Ismet Sezgin , Turkish Interior Minister , who is visiting Damascus next week , said : ‘ I am going to warn the Syrians once and for all against their support for terrorism . ’
52 Above all , the CMHTs pointed to the heavy demands implicit in their own definition of success : the creation of a full range of services , not just alternative accommodation , and responsiveness to continuous changes in need and capacity rather than a once and for all move from one living environment to another .
53 And a chance to do away with that old blackguard Jake once and for all … and NO DANGER !
54 So , in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we 're Fun Factor Number 1 , we 've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo .
55 At the same time as Endill and Mould were building their catapult an expedition had been organised to find the creature once and for all .
56 For him , it settles the problem once and for all .
57 17.25 As we point out in paragraph 14.5 children do not learn particular features of written language once and for all at a particular stage .
58 The Left , as we have seen , believed that the October revolution had once and for all buried the national issue .
59 The case of Operation Food Production launched in 1980 is such an example , where enormous state farms have been set up to solve the ‘ food problem ’ once and for all .
60 Austin Currie condemned the police action in blocking their route , and said that NICRA would be organising more parades , which would not stop at Thomas Street : ‘ O'Neill and those Orange bigots behind him [ will ] realise once and for all that we are on our way forward .
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