Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
2 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
3 A newspaper interview with the very successful American actress Brook Shields quoted her as saying that she constantly worries ‘ that I 'm not pretty enough , that I 'm too fat , that I 'm not smart enough and that I 'm not a good enough actress ’ .
4 The day came suddenly and before I knew it my father was driving me into the town of Ipswich to drop me off near the studio .
5 And I think it 's I would give very great weight to this partic these two criteria put together and and I think they should be made more explicit sir .
6 Theyspoketo them nicely but if I asked them for anything it was as though they could n't be bothered .
7 I 'd been living away and when I first come back into the area a few of me friends was into it .
8 But I know it will go away and when I see friends with babies I still think ‘ Oh , I want one now ! ’ ’
9 As was noted above and as I shall explore in further detail below , both of these involved a flow of blood — the one positively valued , the other negatively , and both had profound resonances for the involvement or non-involvement of men and women in public religion .
10 It rinsed out easily and considering I only used a very small amount , my hair was much more manageable and shiny afterwards . ’
11 I had some woodwork to finish off indoors and after I 'd glued up I had some light sanding to do .
12 No , but I pu put it next to the lift and as soon as Hughey comes put it outside and when I come back I 'll take it away .
13 Yeah , that 's right well we 've got ta put them round anyway but once I 've got that on I can take the st steps in then no , I shall leave those there I 'll just go and have a look at the other frame .
14 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
15 I had to get half way under the bottom strand of barbed wire to see inside properly and as I did so , my hand closed on something smooth and rubbery half buried in the ground .
16 right and as I said this is this is so
17 I 'm rather surprised that but there you are this this er this stuff this is coming they were both being one and another er put here and er um um I suppose the idea is that the er two people should be fairly good but I think it 's going somewhere and as I say it 's down again … let's see what else has gone er the the this is just I do n't know how she di ’ how they did this but it must have been fairly hard when they did it and er I think there is n't v-very much there I think . ’
18 Good do n't forget if I go too quickly or if I give you too much say , Ooh hang on .
19 Same when I 'm , when I 'm in Italy , I , I ca n't speak Italian very well , but when I 'm there a week , I pick up words very quickly and although I know my grammar is n't perfect , I can form sentences in a way that people do understand me , .
20 Mr Beamish received the medicine unsmilingly and as I opened the car door I felt a gush of relief that the uncomfortable visit was at an end .
21 Hospital appointments seemed to go on for ever and when I left for the Sahara , I forgot to cancel one of them .
22 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
23 Er doctor says not only was the taxing officer right in what he did , but he should of gone further and as I say he should of erm disallowed more interest , the basis of which erm doctor puts forward that submission before me seems to be two fold , first he points out that in fact the plaintiffs failed to perfect the order of Mr Justice er , er sorry Mr Justice erm , until the twenty fifth of May nineteen ninety three and that was a , I think he would say a probable failure on part of the plaintiffs and their solicitors to do with what his solicitor had asked them to do in the letter of the twenty third of April nineteen ninety one .
24 I kept doing these funny little laughs all the way home and while I was developing and printing the film .
25 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
26 Er no I 'll check when I get home and if I need
27 I mean I , I mean I du n no I mean I just , I just ha , I just had to tell you because I mean it really is pissing me off the way fucking Catherine treats me , she was alright before like and when I 'm on my own , no
28 Never been in trouble at all like and and I 've certainly not seen any trouble .
29 bed you see , get used to it , and when I come in in the morning and try and chuck him off well he normally comes down like but when I bloody go to go to bed with you , that 'll be it cos he 'll be straight there again .
30 But , instead of that digress a little but because I did n't think you 'd like the dog roses .
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