Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , the facility had rarely let him down .
2 His visual impressions have been fading without his knowing it , and with their reactivation stale information has suddenly sorted itself out into a new and firm pattern .
3 " Then had n't you better let me in ? "
4 They had not entirely forgotten him back home , then , although he had been away 37 years .
5 I can talk about it freely now & we have all picked ourselves up & dusted ourselves down … says that she is a stronger person ( maybe even ‘ harder ’ ) … & she is a very efficient business person & lives & works in Glasgow .
6 His contact had not merely tipped him off that drugs were on the premises , he had told him where to look .
7 He glanced at Catherine but she had obviously noticed nothing out of the way .
8 After the third ‘ Carry On ’ , the cast had been offered a profit-sharing scheme — and had all turned it down on the advice of their agents , who thought they would be better off getting increased salaries .
9 Perhaps they 've only got them in .
10 I mean it says it lasts up to two years , we 've only had it on there a year
11 I 'd only had it round about ten minutes and I thought
12 Yeah and yet Marion had one , she 'd only had it about just over a year did n't she ?
13 They 've all got nothing on . ’
14 Beeney was solid as a rock , dealt with the back pass superbly , and only kicked ONE out of play the whole match .
15 That event & 's separation in the same year blighted by retirement … but is now divorced & we 've all brushed ourselves down & picked ourselves up again ! ) )
16 And they 'd all packed them up this morning .
17 He 's only worn them in !
18 not so much in the earliest days , when US producers had not yet sufficiently geared themselves up to satisfy the demands of their market , so that British exports to the States were largely unproblematic .
19 ‘ Do you mean to say , ’ she ventured , disliking the silence , ‘ that in your view we 've only stuck it out together all these years because of the children ?
20 He had long marked her down as a less than sociable woman who appeared to nurse some secret grievance .
21 This time he did n't throw her down with a fury but gently laid her down among the downy pillows and started to strip off his shirt .
22 We 've more or less pinned it down to coming from the the drainage systems .
23 It was true that she had literally brought him back from the dead .
24 But she 'd obviously brought him round to her way of thinking .
25 Had they literally cut them out of the film ?
26 Billie had joined Lily and they had obviously hit it off .
27 I , I said all they 've done is literally scaled it up to like instead of a door being that size its now like that right and the front porch instead of being that low now that high up double it , its a bigger home
28 Had he really only taken her on because he fancied her and thought she 'd never be a threat to his position ?
29 We 've owned the thing for two years and only taken it out that one time when it snowed . ’
30 Anyway , just after Christmas this guy says er I still want the hotel so Peter said well you better put something down , you ge , better get something so he he went and put fifty thousand as a deposit on it and then said his legal advisers would be in touch and they had a month went by and they never heard anything , so Peter rang up , he was telling me the other day , er , he rang up yeah , go , he does n't want it you know ?
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