Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She long acted as examiner in geography for various institutions , and her influence on the training of the next generation of students of geography was substantial .
2 But to her they merely served as spurs and she was used to those .
3 He has already allowed friends to put it around that he only stayed as Chancellor after Black Wednesday because Mr Major begged him to .
4 BNL owns one-quarter of a factoring company headed by Luigi Scotti , who just resigned as president of Federconsorzi .
5 This bloke and his daughter who like lived as tramps
6 In 1885 the lying-in ward in the Strand workhouse was located immediately above the female insane ward and despite the effort to reform workhouse nursing during the 1860s , elderly pauper women still acted as midwives and childminders .
7 Few , however , could have imagined that the man who once served as chairman of Clitheroe Young Conservatives would be asked to don the cocked hat and plumes of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bermuda .
8 Mr Richter was so smitten by Mr Cliburn 's talent , and so bored by the competition ( 1958 was the last time he ever served as judge for anything ) , that he decided to give the talented American pianist the top score of 25 for everything and all the other contestants a zero for everything .
9 DICK Corden yesterday resigned as chairman of Darlington Football Club which is threatened with relegation .
10 ‘ I 'd better break the engagement now , ’ I said , thinking my mother very foolish for not realising that what appealed to Syl was my very paleness , my silence , my hostility , which he mostly construed as shyness , until I was unpleasant , and when I was unpleasant he took it as evidence of some depth in my feeling for him and found it sexually alluring .
11 The new big companies , which handle both collection and disposal , mostly began as amalgams of small ones .
12 While a student at Edinburgh , Marion Newbigin had come under the influence of J. Arthur Thompson , whom she later succeeded as lecturer in biology and zoology at the School of Medicine for Women .
13 He retained an affection for Paris and a gratitude for the intellectual advantages that it had given him to which he later referred as pope .
14 It may have been during this period that he was supported by a canonry in St Peter 's , to which he later referred as pope .
15 Tom Cox and Lee Grant also scored as Colts built up a 6–0 lead .
16 Scotland , which he also claimed as part of his sphere of primatial authority , was cut off by the barrier of the province of York .
17 Bill Booth and Ann George also acted as moderators and Paul Bentley , leader of the Barlaston mill and sliphouse circle , was a member of the panel discussion team .
18 Those that he produced for sale through the Redfern Gallery were usually printed in editions of fifty and include Thames-side , Bull Fight , Spain , Tropical Landscape , Horse Guards in their Dressing Rooms at Whitehall and Working Men 's College , this last relating to his association with the Working Men 's College in Crowndale Road , Mornington Crescent , where he gave a lecture , ‘ The Painter 's Intention ’ , in 1952 , taught lithography and also acted as Art Adviser .
19 So , one night , it was decided to ask the audience if they wanted an Arts Lab , and during one of his talks to the audience , as David also acted as compère , he asked whether they would like an Arts Lab in Beckenham , with the folk club being the start of it .
20 He also acted as auditor for a number of major international joint ventures .
21 Collinson also acted as intermediary in obtaining seeds from America , particularly those which gave rise to an extensive plantation of evergreens in the park , a principal feature of Woburn at the time .
22 This year Douglas Reyburn also acted as hosts with Bill Service , Personnel Manager , organising the administration of the day .
23 Castles also acted as bases for field armies which were used to extend and defend the frontier with Valois France .
24 As in the past , the information for guidance will be conveyed mainly by the head teacher 's report , which governors would come to regard rightly as a source of sound professional advice , subjects for discussion and a welcome touch of humour ( ‘ Mr C scored three goals for the staff against the pupils and also acted as referee ’ ) .
25 In those days , when simplicity was bliss , Jas T Clark , the county secretary , also acted as referee .
26 But he later acted as agent for the chief minister , Robert Cecil , first Earl of Salisbury [ q.v. ] , over private bills , and supported the great contract to put government finances on a sounder footing .
27 Charles Williams had been a friend of T. S. Eliot , but Lewis 's distrust of Eliot had been implacable , and their first meeting in 1945 , at Williams 's instigation , had been no better than guarded , though they later joined as Anglicans in retranslating the Book of Common Prayer version of the Psalter .
28 Cowries of the Monetaria moneta species also served as currency in ancient China as well as in other parts of Asia and some areas of Africa .
29 Interest in local politics led him to become a member of Liverpool town council and Lancashire county council ; he also served as chairman of Liverpool chamber of commerce .
30 He also served as deputy lieutenant for the county of Essex .
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