Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Joe Maitland his boss was very often out buying and selling and he rarely interfered with the running of the store .
2 The UN Security Council on Nov. 29 approved Resolution 678 authorizing member governments to use " all necessary means " to ensure Iraq 's complete withdrawal from Kuwait , if by a deadline of Jan. 15 , 1991 , the Iraqis had not already done so and thereby complied with the UN 's previous resolutions .
3 Er , and I got up and I protested about it , on the grounds that if they could n't run a great big pop hall for , and I wholly agreed with the idea , of of them providing the facility .
4 Lieutenant Stapleton suddenly realized with a shock of fear that he was lucky not to have been shot down by one of these tattered lunatics .
5 They constantly fought with the music business and eventually drowned in a pool of legal wrangles , interband arguments and the inevitable financial problems .
6 Corbett merely toyed with the food though Ranulf , hungry enough , munched away .
7 The woman — Rab , with the wine , and so took-on with the barman , had not noticed her before — sat across from him , over a small , square tin-topped table .
8 Cranston , the wineskin now surprisingly empty , only replied with a short stream of belches .
9 Bleak black branches suddenly shone with the colours of dark red buds , of shining bark , of pale dry trunks that caught the sun and held it in their sinuous heights .
10 The bishops apparently began with a meeting of their own in which they established a pact of peace and concord .
11 Instantly , the reaching figure became a puppet , jerking backwards in a pirouette that suddenly collapsed with the abrupt finality of cut strings .
12 One of the planes , an enemy one she thought , suddenly blazed with a great yellow and red light from somewhere just behind its wings , and almost immediately , tiny bright fragments hurtled outwards from the burning plane , and it was gone .
13 The gentleness and kindness which they preached as the very foundation of its teaching , and as insisted on by Jesus Christ himself , now stands starkly contrasted with the history of cruelty and violence perpetrated over the centuries in the name of Christianity .
14 By chance the introduction of better rigging more or less coincided with the gold discoveries in California .
15 It also unhappily coincided with an announcement from Downing Street that German Chancellor Dr Helmut Kohl will fly to Britain next Wednesday for an Anglo-German summit in advance of December 's Edinburgh summit .
16 Our client had it in telephone conversation with the bank on ninth of September only proceeded with the proposed purchase on the express understanding that Frinton property was not to be included particularly as his father 's companion a Mrs eighty years of age , was residing in the property and owned a half share of it .
17 Another factor is whether or not the death of a plant or animal necessarily coincided with the point at which it ceased to exchange carbon with the environment .
18 He was puzzled for a moment , then he suddenly remembered with a slight feeling of shock .
19 I tried to stare my dislike into him but I must have been unsuccessful for he merely said with a primitive accent : ‘ Good in auto , yes ? ’ and grinned .
20 A faint smell of Deller 's factory floated in , the air nicely spiced with the usual scent of smouldering rubber that was being burnt somewhere .
21 Roman looked at her in a way that made Claudia want to curl up and die , and she was n't on the receiving end , only tarred with the same brush .
22 The morning had a soft babylike tenderness upon which the postman suddenly intruded with a postcard .
23 The all clear came with the morning light , high-pitched and steady , the sweetest sound in the world .
24 Essentially , it appears only to have been willing to investigate the necessity for Community legislation to the extent that it has been alleged that the existing law already complied with the objectives of that legislation , i.e. to determine whether the Community legislation was redundant .
25 If the Vietminh still seemed to be the only movement capable of achieving the fulfilment of the people 's aspiration to national independence and to social justice , it nevertheless ruled with the aid of physical terror and moral constraint .
26 In these terms , each of the schools investigated generally complied with the Coordinating Team 's criteria for inclusion in the Minor Project .
27 Wordsworth 's name soon doubled with the Lakes in the titles — The English Lake District as interpreted by Wordsworth appeared in 1874 , and in 1911 Eric Robertson produced a book simply called Wordsworthshire — the final apotheosis !
28 The heat of summer was beginning to gather its strength , and the day outside hummed with the gorged drowsiness of the flies .
29 The film flatly denied that there was any problem with dolphin entanglements in drift-nets , saying that the nets were always set in the direction of the prevailing currents , and as marine mammals generally swam with the currents , entanglement was unlikely .
30 The threat of malnutrition receded and vanished forever , and the twentieth century finally arrived with a team from the North Eastern Electricity Board .
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