Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He only became as it were conscious again when he realised that she was on to another topic .
2 It seemed to me that as much happened as I could bear … .
3 and I , I told him I was n't stupid enough to keep money in the house as an ex er as an ex lawyer and erm , where , er it so happened as I say that I talked to he , he did n't take any thing in fact at the end he apologise for having chosen the wrong house and he
4 Porn has never been so loved or so hated as it is now .
5 The girl was dishevelled , her hair a mess , but she only laughed as he caught her and pulled her into another room .
6 Yeah it only clicked as you 'd gone , when I had to do it .
7 You just behaved as you , in fact , naturally were and had no time for the black arts of propaganda .
8 Granted that the whole of history may have a meaning , a purpose and a direction — and granted , too , the power and fruitfulness of many of Hegel 's ideas — are that purpose and direction so easily uncovered as he suggests ?
9 I scarcely listened as he continued his thumbnail portrait of Jesus .
10 We do n't come into the I just thought as we want Smiths and Intersports
11 But I just thought as we want Smiths and Intersports
12 I just went as I was and got on the first train I could find .
13 Bodie just smiled as he handed the letter across .
14 Expert in controlling his tone , he scarcely hesitated as he passed over the customary nickname , for Hector Luath would be swift no longer .
15 I just remembered as you waved your hand through the air .
16 The old died first , the beggars and the maimed ; they just froze as they leaned gasping against urine-stained walls .
17 ‘ He has done for himself now ’ I finally said as we came down through Grasmere to get some transport back to our room .
18 ‘ All right , all right , ’ she quickly agreed as it dawned on her that if he was who she thought he was then she was going about it completely the wrong way if she hoped for an interview .
19 She hardly stirred as he pulled off her lilac dress and carried her in her bra and pants into her bedroom .
20 However , matters between him and his congregation gradually deteriorated as he was thought to be very ‘ High Church ’ , and a bitter dispute broke out between 1845 and 1848 between ‘ High ’ and ‘ Low ’ Church supporters .
21 But it quickly vanished as they got on with the morning 's proceedings .
22 If she 'd had any doubts about Tara 's relationship with the villa 's owner , they rapidly evaporated as she watched the other girl 's body language in graceful retreat .
23 I said that I just happened to have my travelling rod with me … though it hardly mattered as they had more than enough gear .
24 She helped her mother and always did as she was told .
25 The swells rapidly subsided as we moved into the lee of the protective barrier .
26 He positively beamed as he took the coin and held it up between his thumb and index finger .
27 Its eight-man crew also perished as they strived to rescue the Santampa 's crew .
28 The Scottish envoy was waiting for us , sitting on a fallen tree trunk , talking to one of his clerks who tactfully withdrew as we approached .
29 The man on the stand , who also looked as he could do with the loan of a GII , was proffering a petition to passers-by .
30 Charles could just picture Paul Lexington saying it , his plausible face earnestly puckered as he explained the situation to his gullible client .
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