Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 And it more or less made it that we 'd got to go back for the ten and thruppence .
2 On his wedding night the sight of his wife 's pubic hair so appalled him that he was shocked into sexual abstinence for the rest of his life — not that he lost the urge .
3 Only got it that there 's news .
4 and so divided it that the remainder went to the husband to take up the one thousand one hundred and sixty five .
5 The 7th Earl decided in the early part of the twentieth century to install in the two rooms the panelling and so designed it that there were recesses for pictures .
6 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
7 The discussion was opened by Chris Swinson , chairman of the Financial Reporting and Auditing Group , who basically told us that it was a foregone conclusion and after hearing views of those present , told us all to stop whingeing about the matter and to accept the situation .
8 I suddenly told them that I had to push , the urge was absolutely OVERPOWERING , quite unbelievable .
9 ‘ So I suddenly told him that I wished I had a son .
10 The book reached King Charles I in captivity , and its permissiveness so displeased him that he asked another of his chaplains , Dr Hammond , to refute it .
11 She merely told him that the book bore a crest , an embossed crest of a hawk .
12 That alone told her that she was far from being in love with Dick .
13 And they sat numb and silent in a small hospital office , as a doctor gently told them that Danny was dead .
14 Excitement had for days so filled her that she could not sleep , and now at last she had embarked upon it ; thoughts of loss and martyrdom paled before the facts .
15 No , she only told me that the other day yeah she is
16 Even Geoffrey Winbush 's statement only told them that Louise had been on the Woodham Road .
17 Beth had been surprised to know that Cissie herself had been thinking along those very same lines , and it only told her that she was right about Maisie 's children — they were growing up fast .
18 But something deep inside told him that Bernice had been right .
19 The hon. Member for Carlisle ( Mr. Martlew ) rightly told us that it would be impossible for a county council to run housing strategy .
20 Here otherwise close associates like Bridgeman and F. E. Smith distanced themselves from Maxse , while another committed tariff reformer , his fellow editor and friend H. A. Gwynne , pointedly told him that ‘ for good or evil ’ , the Conservative party was ‘ the only weapon we have with which to achieve our purpose and help on the causes which both you and I have strongly at heart … and anything that tends to disorganize it or to destroy the efficiency of that weapon seems to me to postpone the fulfilment of our desires …
21 Paul did n't have a very high opinion of Waafs and constantly told us that his Diedre would n't dream of joining up and that no girls looked their best in uniform .
22 The right hon. Member for Blaby will be remembered as the Chancellor who dismissed rising inflation as a temporary blip and who , having put up interest rates to 15 per cent. , none the less assured us that the economy would have , to use his phrase , a soft landing .
23 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
24 The letter inside informed me that Mrs J. Gargery had died the previous Monday , and that the burial would be next Monday , at 3 p.m .
25 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
26 The family recorded an anxious moment during the visit when the King lifted five-year-old Catherine Drummond in his arms and put her ‘ upon the Table which so much alarmed her that she burst out a crying . ’
27 He so enjoyed them that Minton suggested he should write his own .
28 For some reason , this letter so unnerved her that she thought she must rush down to the sea at once , and run the thudding in her head quite out of it .
29 Then it suddenly hit her that , of course , he did n't approve of relationships .
30 Although admitting to the Kuomintang General Chang Fa-k'uei that he was a communist , he apparently persuaded him that it would take fifty years for communism to work in Vietnam ; and , in any event , it appeared that , of all the groupings of Vietnamese nationalists , patriots , émigrés and revolutionaries who were to be found in Southeast China , none of them was as dynamic as the Vietminh .
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