Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 He was already standing apart and when he saw Harriet coming , he alone moved forward as if to challenge her .
2 ‘ I only came here as a consultant and do not want to get deeply involved , ’ he insisted .
3 He only won once as a novice but was very consistent .
4 The project was sold twice more before it finally flew again as a modified two-seater , as N9837A .
5 But they just stood there as if we were the odd ones not them , which when you come to think about it is dead right .
6 There was n't much traffic about at that time of the morning and Jean was driving faster than she 'd ever done before ; trees , hedges and fields just flashed past as the Cortina fairly gobbled up the miles .
7 Some of the dancing in Requiem was way below this standard yet the ballet still came across as one of MacMillan 's most monumental works .
8 This had been substantially rewritten since publication of the first draft in February [ see pp. 37234-35 ] , some of the revisions reflecting conservative criticism of the party leadership , but as delivered by Gorbachev it still came across as a spirited defence of his perestroika reform policies .
9 For a moment Luke still stood there as if he intended to say more , but Merrill could n't bring herself to look at him .
10 Labour representatives also spoke often as if taxes comprise income taxes only , precisely what the Tories wished .
11 The work on show , produced by none recently graduated women artists , demonstrates an unmistakable commitment both to engage and challenge the painterly and formal conventions of modernism. 2 The group originally came together as a result of a set of interviews and articles coordinated by Rebecca Fortnum and Gill Houghton , published in a special issue of the Women Artists ' Slide Library Journal in 1989. 3
12 ‘ Before this game , individuals had been performing well , but this was the first time we really played well as a team and it shows just what we are capable of . ’
13 Rodrigo now stood solidly as a unique power in the east .
14 True , even costumed thus as a Trader 's mistress she would be armed — with a garrotte or two , some tiny digital weapons for slipping on to her fingers , phials of the chemicals she used .
15 In 1402 he even acted briefly as secretary to Henry IV .
16 Amongst two partner firms , in contrast , there was a clear majority in favour of some form of restriction , while amongst respondents from ‘ medium ’ and ‘ large ’ firms ( here defined broadly as firms with 3–10 and over 10 partners respectively ) nearly 80% answered the question negatively .
17 Thus the narrow strict sense of elite , though sometimes used misleadingly as if it had been demonstrated satisfactorily , is rarely applied consistently throughout an argument in modern elite theory .
18 Summoning her courage , she pushed past him into the gangway between the stalls , then leapt aside as a porter nearly ran her over with a loaded trolley .
19 She had a month off work while you filled in , then started again as my secretary last week . ’
20 During World War I , attitudes towards ‘ war babies ’ and their mothers briefly relaxed largely as a result of the efforts of the Council for the Unmarried Mother and her Child ( founded in 1917 ) , and greater concern was expressed about the high infant mortality rate amongst illegitimate children .
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