Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That feeling lasted a while but after we 'd had the children something changed and I slowly realized that I did n't love her anymore .
2 He ducked under the thief 's sword arm and brought his own blade around in an arc so incompetently misjudged that it hit the man flat-first and jolted out of the wizard 's hand .
3 When I eventually realized that he was trying to chat me up , I decided to end the conversation and get off the train .
4 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
5 If she walked out , then he would be unable to follow her unless he 'd brought back-up with him , and somehow she rather doubted that he had .
6 ‘ I wanted to spend some time with you , and I rather doubted if you 'd be susceptible to an offer of a weekend in Paris .
7 ‘ Did you enjoy seeing your father 's studio ? ’ she suddenly asked and it seemed to Jenna that not only did Alain stiffen alarmingly but Marguerite appeared to ice over .
8 At this moment , as he was still wondering what to say to them , he suddenly realized that something had lightened his spirits .
9 ‘ We suddenly realized that we were as free as air , and could n't think of a thing to do with this unexpected liberty .
10 Now this is people 's traditional expectation and they still have it , whereas we 're of the mind that instead of this er you 've very cleverly got in this circle and the last day that I suddenly realized that we 're all equal and moving around in a reasonably organized manner but still we 're rather loose , whereas the traditional view is a parish councillor says it and everybody does the rest , with a few er renegades and revolutionaries at varying parts in your parish .
11 One middle-aged daughter put it this way : ‘ I suddenly realized that my mother and I had changed roles .
12 I suddenly realized that I was n't myself any more : I did n't give a damn whether he was wearing a tie or not . ’
13 Arriving , I suddenly realized that I did n't have a job to do .
14 I suddenly realized that I was going mad too , that he was wickedly wickedly cunning .
15 I suddenly realized that she was a pretty woman .
16 I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved .
17 It was only half way through my life , I suddenly realized if you really want something , go for it .
18 my legs , I suddenly realized when I was changing at the swimming pool , and thought oh sod it , who 's gon na notice , I mean , at half past seven , I really ca n't get that excited about it .
19 Then you walked into my life , and I suddenly realised that what I had felt for Claire may have been sexual attraction , but it was never love . ’
20 She suddenly realised that they were both staring at her , watching the expressions chase each other across her face .
21 Squinting again along the left of the nose I suddenly realised that his head had become completely transparent !
22 I suddenly realised that she really did n't want to lose me .
23 However , whatever the reason , she suddenly realised that she was feeling far too tired and exhausted to pick yet another fight with Ross .
24 She entered her room , but , as reality started to creep in , she suddenly realised that she had n't said anything more to him about that interview .
25 I suddenly realised that there were all these great black players around in Louisiana , and that I 'd missed them completely !
26 ‘ At first I thought art was simply a matter of reproducing what I saw ; but one day I saw a reproduction of Piero della Francesca 's Pietà , and I suddenly realised that there was a huge spiritual element in painting .
27 On my way out of the shed , I suddenly realised that I was not on my own .
28 I suddenly realised that I actually knew how to use a library .
29 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
30 I suddenly realised that he was very , very interested .
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