Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nominally they retained their autonomous status , but their provincial assemblies effectively became mere rubber-stamp bodies , and the powers of their provincial governments and judiciary were drastically curtailed .
2 They appeared in parts over five years from March 1755 to June 1760 and eventually made two folio volumes .
3 Edward 's manipulation of the wool trade for his financial advantage intensified the divisions between the small group of wealthy merchants who stood to benefit from Edward 's schemes and the lesser merchants who eventually made common cause with the producers in opposing the monopolistic structure that Edward tried to create .
4 The perpetual spring Schorne had divined for his parish in time of drought came replete with gypsum , Epsom salts , and carbonic acid , and thereby lent considerable support to his posthumous reputation , principally as a healer of rheumatic and eye afflictions , but with an occasional talent in respect of dead oxen , the drowned , and the consolation of ‘ wretched , lonely boys ’ .
5 However , I suspect that Mains rather got some enjoyment out of appearing as some grim nemesis of the south .
6 Music business lawyer John Kennedy ( who successfully fought similar Stone Roses and Frankie Goes To Hollywood cases ) has been enlisted by Michael for his tussle with the corporate giant .
7 His third son , Theodore , eventually became technical head of London Transport ; Ernest , the second son , trained to become an art teacher but spent most of his life in industrial design and advertising ; the poet , too , possessed strong , capable , craftsman 's hands and the poet 's daughter , Myfanwy , still treasures many examples of her father 's skill as a carpenter and metal worker .
8 Although he remained as chairman of the Council of Ministers his influence waned compared to that of Brezhnev , who eventually became formal head of state in addition to party secretary .
9 Elsewhere , there 's a locally made 60 year old winnowing machine for separating the wheat from the chaff and even some ancient milk churns .
10 In 1854 the Revd Andrew Reed [ q.v. ] , a friend of Little 's , established the Royal Hospital for Incurables , and Little became medical examiner and a member of the governing board .
11 Full of stairs and small rooms on each floor and no garden to speak of , only a kind of paved area leading off the basement kitchen which rarely got any sun .
12 He rather distrusted Gallic logic .
13 Hesitation slowly became determined silence ; the line of her mouth tightened .
14 Most eventually got honorary Lifetime Achievement Awards — alias the ‘ Whoops , sorry , we forgot you ’ Oscars , or even ‘ Whoops , sorry , we did n't know you were still around ’ , as happened to Sophia Loren in January , thirty years after she won Best Actress for Two Women .
15 Zimbabwe eventually snatched that game 18–16 , but the Spanish had their revenge later ( see pages 36 & 37 ) .
16 Ironically she rarely used much make-up herself , but right now she could have done with a cover-up stick to hide the dark shadows beneath her eyes and some blusher to conceal at least a little of her pallor .
17 Her arrival effectively stemmed any action he was about to take .
18 Steam sprinklers were introduced and on the first day of their operation , they successfully doused another fire that would have probably removed the remainder of the factory had it taken hold .
19 , The largest flying boat in the world only made one flight ( of about a mile in length at a height of about eighty feet ) , and until recently has been preserved within an aluminium-dome museum , close to the Queen Mary in Long Beach , California .
20 He reckoned that Biblical Christianity not only made more sense than any other religion or philosophy , but also it was the only one that had the power to produce real holiness of life in genuine believers .
21 You go along thinking you know exactly what everything is , and then you stop and look at it and it does n't make any sense and you think maybe it only made any sense in the first place because everyone was pretending it did .
22 Tom Ayliffe apparently operated another trow , used to transport Forest of Dean coal for the steam engine , from Bullo Pill .
23 Martinho suddenly asked one afternoon .
24 They did n't believe in selling endowments , they only sold whole life you see ?
25 He obviously expected some sort of reaction .
26 On the other hand action-scenes perhaps made more use than quiet ones of the partial concealment of figures by folds of ground .
27 Like the HMIs , I have more or less avoided this question so far , mainly by talking about ‘ curriculum managers ’ .
28 The standard book on crime in non-Western countries , published in 1973 , asserts that social changes in developing countries in the mid-twentieth century are similar to those which ‘ suddenly produced extensive crime a century or more ago in Europe . ’
29 Consequently , under these conditions the rate of chemical decomposition at the weathering front is minimal , an effect which is clearly evident in the typically very low concentrations of solutes recorded in streams draining highly leached deep weathering profiles in lowland humid tropical regions ( see Section 15.3 ) .
30 Incidentally , he was n't known as Chief Education Officer , he was Secretary for Education , he only became Chief Education Officer after the war but erm he was the Controller of Shift E and most of the education staff were on Shift E.
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