Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Because of this he often failed to bring about cures and eventually became disillusioned with hypnosis as a form of therapy .
2 Isaac and his brother Jacob [ q.v. ] clubbed together to produce Hebrew books for the Christian market , and thereby became acquainted with some of the most eminent Christian Hebraists of the day .
3 Mulhern does n't sell horses but he was partly influenced this time by Jeremy Maxwell who used to train On the Other Hand and he eventually agreed to part with the gelding to Robert Ogden with a view to running in the Grand Military Gold Cup at Sandown .
4 It only became connected with the miracle because both events took place in the same village .
5 That incident probably made John 's triumph all the sweeter a few months later , when he gleefully described flirting with a particularly desirable man , one of the supposed ringleaders of the earlier occasion .
6 Occasionally she stayed the night in the boiler room , and when Minton suddenly began exploding with wit , it was sometimes she who best engaged him in repartee .
7 At first , each gearbox only started rattling with a warmed up engine but each got worse until the rattle could be heard with a cold engine on revving up when stationary .
8 The people there not only had to cope with the incidents themselves but living down the bad reputation .
9 So we 've er we felt that was we only had to cope with if the worst came to the worst .
10 ‘ My part in this was easy compared to his ’ , North tapped out one night to McFarlane , talking about Poindexter 's handling of the pre-Tehran manoeuvrings ; ‘ I only had to deal with our enemies .
11 I only had to deal with a couple of vicious assaults over the telephone when the magazine I was writing for decided he was too dodgy to get involved with and , with mind-boggling nerve , he threatened us with legal action for breach of contract .
12 The Commission for the Transformation of the LCY not only had to contend with the opposing Slovene and Serbian proposals , but also with proposals that the party be reconstituted as a Socialist Party of Yugoslavia , or even split into a communist and a socialist party .
13 There were , therefore , problems that Developments sought to solve , and in doing so had to contend with entrenched positions .
14 Delaney watched her — watched the reddish hair playing around her cheek , and the lips that he suddenly wanted to cover with his own .
15 I very much wanted to continue with my studies but had to get married in accordance with my parents ' wishes .
16 She said he was the same at home , only wanted to play with toys and watch TV , he would n't do any ‘ work ’ .
17 ‘ And I so wanted to chat with him .
18 The village paths soon became covered with a mass of bodies , brains , blood and intestines .
19 Wordsworth soon became disillusioned with most of Godwin 's ideas .
20 Dositej entered the Hopovo monastery in the Fruška Gora at the age of sixteen , but he soon became disillusioned with the restricted life of a monk and two years later he escaped .
21 Although Piers Place was the most beautiful house I had owned or ever would own , it always seemed to be in need of structural repairs , there was a large attic floor which we did n't need ourselves and yet were disinclined to furnish for renting out , and the traffic on the main road outside seemed to increase with every year .
22 However , they soon came to deal with a whole range of children 's welfare in addition to health and feeding , which included helping school-leavers , in conjunction with the ASEA , to find suitable employment .
23 I began to feel I was really homing in on the answer : involuntary spasms had sent those lifeless appendages hopping about the turret like bingo balls on a current of air … until their trajectories just happened to coincide with not-wall , not-floor , not-ceiling ( which I quickly worked out was better than a one in three shot every hop ) .
24 I think they just liked working with someone like-minded ! ’
25 Shirley had clattered noisily on the linoleum , had huffed and puffed and banged about , and finally had said with some passion , ‘ You 're barmy . ’
26 We just had to cope with it as best we could .
27 In the smaller places , there fore , they generally had to deal with people with the same background as themselves ; they knew their customers and their family and friends .
28 Zemstvos and city dumas co-opted new members in preparation for democratic elections and meanwhile had to contend with ‘ Committees of Public Organizations ’ which sprang up in most localities .
29 I just wanted to commiserate with you .
30 ‘ There could be literally a multitude of quite proper reasons why a child decided it no longer wanted to live with its parents . ’
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