Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Those who have laboured long at programmed learning sequences , even if less wholeheartedly multi-media in scope , will agree that such units take time to prepare .
2 It was all right walking in the mountains but not quite so safe-looking to drive .
3 Subsequently Douglas has developed these ideas in a book which collects together much material in the urban environment from a physical geography point of view but perhaps also leads towards his view that ( Douglas , 1981 , p. 360 ) :
4 VENICE , Dacca , Leningrad , Osaka … cities of history and romance , but perhaps also cities in danger .
5 On stylistic grounds other northern castles built or rebuilt at this time may be attributed to him , notably Raby and Sheriff Hutton ( 1382 ) , and perhaps also Lumley in county Durham and Wressle , Yorkshire .
6 Also in the cast were Rose Gregorio ( Ulu Grosbard 's wife ) , Pamela Payton-Wright , Rue McClanahan ( much later Blanche in TV 's Golden Girls ) and Cleavon Little , who would play the role of the French-influenced director in John and Mary .
7 It was found that while the annual revenue was about $400,000 , there was only about $1,000 in the account ; John Piper had received $20,000 as his percentage and $8,000 as his salary , and the remainder had been frittered away by lax and costly administration .
8 Mendeleev placed some of these elements below even hydrogen in his table .
9 A year or so ago Business in the Community arranged for a number of the chief executives of some of the UK 's largest national and international corporations to spend a day in a school .
10 Sociobiologists discuss genes for male chauvinism , feminism , communism and perhaps even belief in the tooth fairy , with the solemnity once reserved for debates on the number of angels that can dance on a pin head .
11 So there position in nineteen forty nine was n't re in effect all that secure cos
12 I guessed I had no more than four minutes before he got back to base , so I began to count on the old one-and-one , two-and-two , and so on principle in order to concentrate on the job in hand without looking at my watch .
13 Of the remaining three , George Canning , the future prime minister , was only briefly ambassador in Lisbon in 1814 – 15 , when his political career at home was at a low ebb ; and the two others , Robert Liston and Stratford Canning , represented Britain in Constantinople , a very important post but one in which high social rank was not the advantage it was in the other great capitals .
14 ‘ Trying to make changes right away only results in rejected efforts , and sometimes creates other problems .
15 No I mean just just life in general not the weather .
16 But , along with everyone else , he had a tremendous game and played his part in one of Palace 's best-ever away performances in the old 3rd Division South , helping us to gain a splendid 3–2 victory and earning himself an accolade from Palace Manager , Ronnie Rooke , who said that Jack ‘ came through with flying colours ’ .
17 I stumbled shorewards , praying the hook would hold , and after a considerable struggle , managed to beach a fine trout , just under 2lb in weight .
18 Just under £750,000 in the mid eighteenth century , they rose through £5.3 million in 1803 to more than £8 million by 1813 .
19 Just under £60m in cash is believed to have changed hands in the deal where the pub owning company Enterprise Inns , headed by Taunton Cider chairman Michael Cottrell , acquired the Bass outlets .
20 The total direct expenditure on training of our sample was just under £280,000 in 1983/4 , and estimated at just under £300,000 for 1984/5 .
21 ‘ When some rare Northern bird like the pine grosbeak is seen thus far south in the winter , he does not suggest poverty , but dazzles us with his beauty .
22 Over the years it has settled down to the equivalent of ‘ dinner for two ’ , thus about £60 in 1990 in Greenock .
23 The liabilities of the issue department are thus simply notes in circulation in the economy , plus the operational balances held at the Bank .
24 The frets are quite fine at just over 2mm in width , and the quality of the fretwork and the fit of the nut is first class .
25 Recorded annual precipitation ranges from just over 1000mm in parts of the Broad Bay area of Lewis to over 2400 mm on some of the higher summits of Harris .
26 Each week she receives just over £100 in benefits , but has only enough money left to feed her children after paying bills , a mortgage and housing repairs .
27 Losses in the fourth quarter were nearly two thirds higher in sterling terms at $49.4m ( 1991 : $30.6m loss ) following the impact of the New York snow storms in December which cost $8m and additional claims costs in connection with Hurricane ‘ Andrew ’ which amounted to just over $11m in the quarter , including assumed reinsurance and the cost of the reinstatement premium .
28 WHITBREAD Investment Company , the offshoot of the eponymous brewing empire , increased its income 9 per cent to just over £7million in the six months to the end of September .
29 Following Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait on Aug. 2 , the price of oil rose from $16.18 a barrel ( July price ) to an average of $26.50 in the first 24 days of August , and reached a high of just over $41 in October .
30 The ceilidh dance we held — way back in February — was a huge success and we raised just over £450 in profit .
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