Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] do " in BNC.

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1 " That sort of thing 's all right for does , but not for us . "
2 The third term reforms to local government , the ‘ inner-city ’ policies , were much less about doing good for the poor and arresting decline and decay than about undermining Labour 's power bases .
3 They came so close to doing that .
4 The sturdy Scot , who came so close to doing precisely that at Pebble Beach 12 months ago , is convinced the gruelling par-70 course demands wonderful , long iron play .
5 and so , that 'll be great , thanks very much indeed for doing that and I 'll give you the gift vouchers next week
6 I have met knitters with bad backs , frozen shoulders , tennis elbows and so on from doing to much knitting at a time .
7 Yeah so instead of doing thirty five metres , he actually only did twenty .
8 As a freelance journalist he could report them because just enough editors were just sufficiently interested to pay him just enough for doing so .
9 If they like sentence me straight away for doing something like I 'd think to myself is it worth it ?
10 For let me tell you something : I 've respected myself far more for doing cleaning jobs well than for doing teaching jobs badly — and it is entirely appropriate that I should do so .
11 It worked rather well , and I made far more by doing that than I ever had working for the paper shop .
12 Jack Ashley 's Bill would have come far closer to doing so by requiring that belief in consent must be reasonable .
13 ‘ There we hope to continue to push back the technological frontiers and reduce the 3D turnaround cycle even further by doing even more of the seismic processing on board the vessel , ’ he says .
14 Was , was there anything your , your mother felt particularly strongly about do you remember or
15 Well instead of doing it
16 Right , thanks very much for doing the erm the questionnaire last week , okay ?
17 Alright , well thank you very much for doing that .
18 He was advised to cut out all instant coffee from his diet and since then has kept very well by doing so .
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