Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 Further to a letter forwarded to me by my colleagues in the Orkney Seven Action Group , I have now confirmed to my local MP , Jim Wallace , that such representations as he can make on my behalf most assuredly have my consent .
2 The barrel was nearly empty and I had to climb right inside to get my apple .
3 I 've long since pledged my sword to any who would help rid this borough of the damned Daine .
4 ‘ I would much rather define my intentions as pornographic than erotic ’ , responded Mairowitz .
5 Caller : Well , I just wanted to ask the manager if it is all right to bring my poodle with me ?
6 I doubt she has the technical skill to keep me static for very long , but she certainly has acquired just enough understanding of particle physics and the footnotes to the hard-to-find tenth-century Babylonian edition of The Sword of Moses to slow me down just long enough to cramp my style .
7 One of the major problems I 've encountered with this review is actually keeping hold of the guitar long enough to form my own opinion .
8 There did not seem much point in working at my research , because I did n't expect to live long enough to finish my Ph.D .
9 Long enough to know my own worth , ’ Gina retorted , irritated by the sardonic gleam in his eyes .
10 I have been back in London long enough to know my place .
11 There were quite a lot of drugs around at the time and somehow or other , I did n't quite know how , I managed to scrape enough together to feed my children and keep my flat going and just keep my life ticking over .
12 I 'm basically just biting my fingernails and holding Tristram together .
13 I 'm not really a party-goer , so just popped my head in to bid my good nights , and hit the road home about 1 a.m .
14 ‘ My reasons for so soon destroying my drawings were these ; though I dare say that they do n't appear so rational to any one but myself : I was obliged to limit the work — in order to get more subscribers — & to erase the drawings — because the expense is considerable for keeping them on , & I have pretty great difficulty in paying my monthly charges , — for to pay colourer & printer monthly I am obstinately pre-possessed — since I had rather be at the bottom of the River Thames — than be one week in debt — be it never so small .
15 ‘ I 've only just reached my decision , ’ Adam said softly .
16 I only just reached my study before I was again burning and freezing with the violent passions of Hyde .
17 I could only just control my tears .
18 ‘ I 've only just had my tea .
19 No not yet , I 've only just had my tea !
20 cos I 've only just had my tea
21 and I mean I then I 'd only just had my operation an and to actually drive for longer than about twenty minute journeys was killing so
22 My habit of going for long walking and cycling trips alone further exacerbated my reputation for oddness .
23 Only gradually did my colleagues and I come to realise that we were reporting on a social phenomenon — an aberration triggered by fear of being left behind in a pay race , aggravated by mounting greed and , finally , sustained by sheer bolshieness .
24 Sadly , I only ever saw my grandmother a couple of times so I never came to know her .
25 Although I can recall so clearly seeing my father off to the war , and even more clearly the Zeppelin , the mid-twenties are not so clear .
26 ‘ What I liked in the books was the free open-air life , the spice of illegality and daring , roguish characters — the opportunities so far exceeding my own , the gun , the great pond , the country home , the apparently endless leisure — the glorious moments that one could always recapture by opening the Poacher — and the tinge of sadness here and there as in the picture of the old moucher perishing in his sleep by the lime kiln , and the heron flying over in the morning indifferent . ’
27 The tenor of the work so far indicates my view that any account of the rise to prominence of black sportsmen in Britain is hollow unless constant reference is made to the social conditions amidst which black people lived and live .
28 The fact that it has been written about so perfectly inhibits my response to the place : I have no feelings about Tipasa , only to what Camus has written about it .
29 So here ended my first tour and I could not claim that I ever actually had a clear view of any German target , save that which we did locate with the aid of Jimmy Marks ' experiment northeast of Rotterdam in mid-June 1940 .
30 So please follow my instructions .
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