Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well obviously I have it wh what I did was I put a bit of hummus in each of their handbags right
2 Mm so you have you know decide do n't you what you want to spend the money on .
3 Erm so we have we have er a a a a major difference there .
4 So we have you get married .
5 That quote just just so we have it for record , that quote is taken from eight point nine , paragraph eight point nine of your full submission .
6 So they have they have in fact embarked on a course which now lets these newspapers really deliver them up on a plate I mean they can fry them , they can bake them , they can grill them , they can roast them because they 've put themselves in a position where they now deserve the criticism and the level of imagery which they 're getting .
7 change their mind , there must be there must be nine other posts that if they look round they could civilianise not I mean they have n't got to tell the public much it have they you still talk about the same amount of officers being civilianised .
8 Noo , just you have it .
9 And it seems to me that your problem is that , on the one hand you have a big and relatively easily you have you have you have a big job , but with big , but relatively defined , easily defined issues on your hands .
10 The Devonshire Place man said , ‘ The sooner you have them out the better .
11 So , Sarah had a job to do , but it was n't , sort of , till the end , and we 're gon na finish too quickly because normally we have it like Paul and Helen being really with it and look there 's sort of upward
12 But now I have him in my corner it has turned my career around .
13 Now I have him in my corner and it has turned my career around .
14 ‘ Ah , now I have it , ’ he said with a nod of satisfaction .
15 Now I have I 've asked Dennis and Chris 's insisted that he deals with it so Chris has taken it over , and Dennis is getting back to Chris with the stockpiles of how much is ten weeks old , eleven you know so so you
16 Now I have you .
17 And now I have you two .
18 ‘ But now you have him somewhere under lock and key , and with nothing good to look forward to , whatever follows .
19 Now you have it and now you do n't .
20 There is a great confusion involved in regarding sovereignty as in some way akin to virginity — ’ Now you have it , now you do n't . ’
21 So far we have it that Nozick 's account of knowledge succeeds in defusing one sceptical argument but not another .
22 Er this is erm , er this is the Spring , ca n't read out what it is , the Spring , this is the great Spring raffle , Amnesty does get quite a lot of money from the raffles , er they start off with just the Christmas one now we have them all through the year I think ,
23 You know you did n't know before but now we have we have if you like .
24 Right , start that le no now we have we 're gon na play with this runway it goes three , two
25 One thing that works at this time forget today and yesterday and all the week it 's the number of children that come into this playhouse now we have us we have a thing called work experience where they come from the school 's and the poor little bugger 's have got ta work with me . .
26 It was one more burden for parents Tracey and John , but now they have her back home in Swindon they can afford to smile again .
27 ‘ They will , now they have you , ’ said the engineer .
28 Oh well I have them ordered .
29 Well I have mine on
30 Well I have I did n't because I said that I would just tell them about it and then I would speak again this month and see what er , they say .
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