Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Comes back and like blood , right all over the front of that doorstep
2 Could it be that our assumption that matter and energy are returned to the Universe in discrete regions is wrong , that in fact they are returned piecemeal all over the Universe ?
3 Paul was a young dentist whose dental practice enabled him to travel widely all over the world .
4 This theory of the global system , then , revolves around the perceived necessity for global capitalism to continually increase production and international trade , to guarantee the political conditions for this to occur uninterruptedly all over the world , and to create in people the need to want to consume all the products that are available , on a permanent basis .
5 One of the most ideal representatives of the Chaetodonite family for the beginner 's aquarium , and one that has been kept successfully all over the world , is the Threadfin Butterfly ( Chaetodon auriga ) .
6 ‘ If you watch telly , you 'll know there 's people lying dead all over the world , ’ said Constance .
7 It is " recursive " because the same rule ( in this case a branching rule ) is applied locally all over the growing tree .
8 ‘ I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years .
9 I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years
10 Some more crag rats were further proving the delights of Yorkshire limestone , holding on to ledges with their eyelashes and hanging on to spars of rock by their nostrils , swarming in a team of a dozen or so all over the face of the scar like a plague of dayglo flies .
11 Holy shrines and elaborately carved Moghul palaces are spread thickly all over the land , from India 's largest mosque , the Jama Masjid , in Delhi , to the splendour of the Palace of the Wind in Jaipur and the greatest , most massive mausoleum of all , the Taj Mahal near Agra .
12 The policemen 's homes were n't — their barracks were being attacked almost daily all over the country .
13 Before Gifford had his stroke they used to go painting together all over the place .
14 But rabbits are most accessible to the mink in the spring and autumn , and much less so over the winter .
15 small wonder the next England manager agonised so long over a job that any other candidate ( were there any ? ) would have mulled over for about half a second .
16 Now they met on the Friday prior to the the delegate meeting and went all all over the agenda .
17 Did the squalid detail of the atrocities of The Fox which the press featured so fully have no effect on the variety of Foxes spawned and featured so prominently over the next few months in the pages of these newspapers ?
18 After missing him so desperately over the last six weeks it was more than she had ever dreamed of to find herself suddenly close to him again , and maybe by the time they reached their destination he would have given her some clue about the way he wanted things to be .
19 This system bore heavily on people earning only just over the threshold - and their employers .
20 On the contrary : emotional attachment to Hitler was rooted in the notion that he represented the ideal of national community and national greatness , that he was leading Germany to greater prosperity , and that , whatever the immediate sacrifices , a bonanza for all was only just over the horizon .
21 Also in the constellation is M16 , the Eagle Nebula , which consists of a galactic cluster together with an emission nebula ; the guide star is Gamma Scuti ( 4.7 ) , and the Eagle Nebula is only just over the Scutum boundary into Serpens .
22 " Yes , they 're only just over the top .
23 If it falls much further over the next few days , Mr Major will have no choice but to raise interest rates .
24 Her salary has been growing to the point where she feels she can afford to buy a home and it promises to climb much further over the next few years .
25 Butler 's examination of this policy from 1952 to the 1970s shows that the differences between the average list size of the four different areas have declined , but only slightly over the years and with a number of upward and downward fluctuations .
26 He gripped the sides of the pulpit between fingers crooked as claws and leaned out so far over the congregation that he was in danger of falling out and landing on his head .
27 So far over the two days there have only been five sub par rounds out of the 186 played .
28 to have led him so gullibly over the hills
29 His lordship had called , indeed bellowed , so often over the last six months that George had come to expect little else .
30 So that was why he 'd been in the club so often over the past few weeks — he 'd been checking out the lie of the land , assessing the place as a possible investment .
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