Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that its " in BNC.

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1 Rostand had grown rich on the royalties from his astonishing verse drama , Cyrano de Bergerac , which was first performed in 1897 and so successfully that its author was reportedly made a knight of the Légion d'Honneur on the opening night in between the fourth and fifth acts .
2 When one lands on such a flower , it seizes the clumped anthers with its six legs and then vibrates its muscles so vigorously that its whole body shakes with a loud buzzing noise and pollen pours out of the anthers like salt from a vigorously-wielded salt cellar .
3 for a whole , W , to exist it is not normally enough merely that its parts exist , rather it is required that they exist in a certain arrangement , in a certain set of relations to each other .
4 Dutch Edam is well known and much loved in Britain for its mild flavour and appeal on the cheeseboard — so much so that its versatility for use in cooking is sometimes forgotten .
5 If an authority misdirects itself in law , or acts arbitrarily on the basis of considerations which lie outside its statutory powers , or so unreasonably that its decisions can not be justified by any objective standard of reasonableness , then it is the duty and function of the courts to pronounce that such decisions are invalid when these are challenged by anyone aggrieved by them and who has the necessary locus stand I to do so .
6 The infant , cradled in Miriam 's arms , began to cry , but so feebly that its noise made hardly any impression on the expanse of open air .
7 The escape pod was rotating so rapidly that its four occupants were pinned against their couches .
8 The blood of the wounded trickled from the bank , spilling like one of the showers that freshened the earth each day , and flowed downstream towards the sea , which was not so far that its rich scarlet could diffuse before it met the waves .
9 The House of Commons may be the cradle of our democracy — a little better understood perhaps now that its proceedings are televised .
10 Then they all saw that the royal lance , which had stood upright at the door of the tent , had been flung down so violently that its point had pierced the breast-plate of his piled armour ; and the shaft of the lance was twisted and discoloured , all the armour dinted , and the royal pennant charred as if it had been burned .
11 The diesel engine burns its fuel so much more efficiently that its hydro carbon and carbon monoxide emisions are low enough to dispense with a two way catalytic converter .
12 Take the Singles ' Society , which seemed to exist solely so that its smartly dressed president could chat up pretty girls ; or the Alice Society : ‘ You did n't sign up for that did you , ’ said one newcomer to his friend as they left .
13 Far better that its messengers take it only to plants of exactly the same kind where the genes it carries will unite with eggs and form seeds .
14 This is a way of holding an anaesthetized animal ( by now of course not an animal at all but a ‘ preparation ’ which ceases even the pretence of life once the support system is switched off ) gently but firmly so that its brain can be exposed and an electrode lowered into it , according to known coordinates .
15 Bell , the Company 's Managing Director , explained why it was in the interests of the Company 's policyholders that levels of reversionary bonuses not only had regard to the investment outlook but also preserved the Company 's ability to invest freely so that its total performance would not be adversely affected .
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