Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Although this looks at first to be quite incomprehensible , it is actually quite a friendly little creature and most willing to assist you with either your work or play , as long as you take a short amount of time to learn a few basic commands .
2 ‘ I am extremely sorry to inform you of the death of poor Mary Flint — the haemorrhage from the stomach had ceased for nearly a week in consequence of which her other symptoms became aggravated .
3 I 'm so sorry to put you to all this trouble . ’
4 The caller stepped back aghast and stuttered , ‘ I 'm so sorry to disturb you — I see you 're changing for dinner . ’
5 They say : ‘ I 'm so sorry to disturb you but could you sign this piece of paper ? ’
6 Charles and I are so sorry to miss you and most grateful to you for guarding our chattels while we gallivant round Italy .
7 ‘ Andrew , so sorry to interrupt you but I wanted to say hello .
8 ‘ I 'm so sorry to keep you waiting . ’
9 " Mr Herriot , I 'm so sorry to bother you today of all days .
10 How could something that felt so right make you look like this , as if you had just committed the worst crime in the world ?
11 So I 'm fair staggered to see you so grown up . ’
12 They have not the time for speech training , and are perhaps afraid to embarrass you , and by criticising your speech to add to your shyness in discussion .
13 ‘ He was also extremely careful to suggest you .
14 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
15 Do you like singing in the village , where everybody knows you , or would you in some ways be less nervous do you think if you were singing like even to folk , who just do n't so well ?
16 It was so hard to see you suffer when I knew you 'd always been the most gentle , caring person in my life .
17 You know how difficult it is to get your hands on anything these days — and your mother tries so hard to make you look nice .
18 Just as we came into Stranraer Gardens , Mrs Quigley said , ‘ We have worked so hard to bring you to the Lord , Simon !
19 Roger appeared , paused , said quietly to Maggie , ‘ So glad to see you two have got together , ’ and then took off again .
20 The little mother [ Mrs Noble ] would be so glad to see you both …
21 So glad to see you 've got a new sofa .
22 He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes with a funny , half-actorish solemnity , and said quietly , " I am so glad to see you again . "
23 I 'm so glad to see you managed to pass our little initiative test . ’
24 ‘ Oh , Helen , I 'm so glad to see you ! ’
25 ‘ We 're so glad to see you are here again . ’
26 I am so glad to see you !
27 Oh , I 'm so glad to see you . ’
28 So glad to see you , Shallot , ’ he purred .
29 So glad to find you well , dear boy , ’ he said , wheezing slightly .
30 ‘ I 'm so glad to catch you , ’ Elaine Dodswell said .
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