Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [be] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 What is not so clear is whether the Principles have anticipated ail types of problem which the technology may throw up .
2 The pattern for these accusations had been set by the young Liberal Charles Masterman in The Heart of the Empire ( 1902 ) where he had thundered out his warning of inevitable decline as the result of the ‘ perpetual lowering in the vitality of the Imperial Race in the great cities of the Kingdom through over-crowding in room and in area ’ : What was never entirely clear was whether it was merely a physical deterioration that was eating away at the ‘ Imperial Race ’ , or if a moral decay was not also in evidence .
3 What was never entirely clear was whether Hooliganism represented the end-point of the evolutionary deterioration of the ‘ Imperial Race ’ , or just the kind of rough boys needed as a warrior class to defend the Empire .
4 What is less clear is whether they were cut in Kent or imported ready cut .
5 What is less clear is whether these are national cultural differences , differences in the use of language and/or corporate culture influences .
6 but what I find so interesting is because people talk nowadays as if it 's only recently women have had jobs erm
7 What is not so obvious is whether the vast sums of money that have been spent by central government and the local authorities on housing over the years have had much effect on reducing housing inequalities .
8 Indeed , the chief reason why the proportion of older people is so large is because the proportion of younger people is so much smaller , having this century almost halved , while the former has trebled .
9 One reason why ants are so sophisticated is because of their complex language of chemical communication , which Dr Wilson has done more than anyone to elucidate .
10 The reason it sounds so powerful is because it 's completely unself-conscious .
11 So um that kind of thing b according to Campbell may be one of the reasons why the Cleveland scandal was so scandalous was because it intersected with a number of cultural fears we have about the relationship between sexuality and the anus for some reason .
12 for the variety of reasons , but I think what 's obviously important is if there is any more date arranging going on
13 ’ I think the reason why The Lost Boys was so successful was because a lot of people can relate to someone like David .
14 What is less certain is whether the whole complex machinery for monetary union will be in place by the start of 1993 , as most EC leaders want .
15 What is less certain is whether the whole complex machinery for monetary union will be in place by the start of 1993 , as most EC leaders want .
16 What is less certain is whether they have been , or will be , offset by corresponding gains .
17 Less certain was whether the measures themselves fitted the changed nature and mood of post-war British society .
18 Yet the joy Magellan must have felt at realizing his men were still alive was as nothing when he saw , as the tiny naos drew closer , that their yardarms were hung with bunting , that music was playing and the crews were dancing , singing and shouting .
19 Far more interesting is whether the hon. Gentleman and his Back-Bench colleagues support Labour 's new nuclear defence policy — so far as anyone can understand it .
20 Maybe more interesting is whether a smaller unit , the herred , dates from the Viking period .
21 What might be more interesting is if re Christopher reads you his reading book from the library cos it 's really good fun .
22 Much more equivocal is whether the theory has any predictive content .
23 Some of the more versatile are as follows .
24 More questionable is whether this dainty twirl of the merry-go-round will do much to change the nation — or this government 's ill-fortune .
25 Much more important is whether the bid was sensible in the first place .
26 A far less common problem but one which is much more dramatic is if you put your weight too far forward .
27 What is more pertinent is whether the different styles of the offences discussed above have some justification .
28 The rain which is making conditions up here decidedly unpleasant is as I speak seeping through the rocks and creating foaming torrents underground , flooding caverns and making passages impassable .
29 The only reason her own embarkation had been so hopelessly clumsy was because her limbs were all suddenly shaking like jellies .
30 Also unclear was whether the commandos had , at one point , opened fire on the invaders , as claimed by the FMLN .
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