Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun sg] have " in BNC.

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1 How successfully the leopard has adapted to a wide range of habitat may be judged from the fact that there are twenty-four different subspecies all of which differ only slightly in colouring or body size and shape .
2 Many of these weaknesses will emerge more clearly in later chapters , where we shall see how powerfully the pendulum has swung away from the position of Liberal Theology in recent generations , at least among the leaders and pioneers of theological thinking .
3 The more significant the contribution of the dead person , the more powerfully the grief has to be shown , even if it means , as in some eastern countries , hiring women to act as professional mourners following the funeral procession , weeping and wailing .
4 There is a statutory requirement that the offender be given seven days ' written notice setting out the conditions of eligibility for deportation , and the exceptions ; additionally the Court has indicated in a number of cases that the sentencer should invite counsel to address the court with specific reference to the question of deportation , and give reasons where a recommendation is made .
5 Additionally the seizure had a psychological importance , since it offered opportunities for gain to many of Edward 's subjects who subsequently acquired a vested interest in the estates and therefore in prolonging the war or , at least , concluding it in triumph .
6 The woman had rubbed herself vigorously with the leaves , and presumably the man had been exposed to some of the plant 's irritant oil remaining on her body after washing .
7 The little deer was seen staggering in a distressed and bloated condition , captured with difficulty and taken to a vet who pumped fermented corn from the stomach — presumably the fawn had gorged herself on pheasant feed .
8 He thanked God that rigor mortis had not set in ; presumably the cold had delayed it .
9 Presumably the student had died .
10 Presumably the box had to have a master .
11 If the character is slain outright the Talisman has no power to regenerate wounds .
12 Luckily the ambassador had with him his master 's ring ; by the light of the diamond in it , he was able to see Roksanda , and he returned to tell Doushan that she was indeed a girl on whom the heavens might smile .
13 And luckily the bike had fallen on its left side so the gears and chain ring etc were n't damaged .
14 Luckily the driver had some idea of what was going on — and managed to escape assassination .
15 Luckily the man had the pit bull on a lead .
16 Reluctantly they headed away into the darkness and made the rendezvous rather late , but luckily the patrol had waited for them .
17 Luckily the priest had very good manners .
18 Sister Asuncion 's convent was completely destroyed by a bomb attack , although luckily the community had been warned and everyone had gone into hiding .
19 Stay with the man , watching him , waiting hour after hour , until eventually the man has to give in and say something to draw the whole thing to a close .
20 When eventually the artwork has been drafted , you will finish up with a ‘ see-through ’ view of the copper track pattern , as seen through the board from the component side .
21 This agreement was renewed four times , the last in 1515 , but eventually the company had to be released from its responsibility on grounds of poverty .
22 Eventually the time had to be decided by the stopwatch of an arena judge .
23 I myself would seemingly represent the environmental lobby , but there have been others , many ex-members of Harwell , who have been campaigning for a long time now , many years , to get these reactors shut down , and it has just been a very long slog , and eventually the truth has had to come to light to shut these reactors down .
24 The unforgiving finger of fate always seemed to single out Frank Haffey but eventually the fall-guy had his day .
25 And when eventually the colobus had been ripped into pieces , and the forest went quiet , he pointed out the way the chimps shared their spoils with their nearest relatives .
26 in its primely purpose it has therefore undoubtedly be an outstanding success , but as the report makes way clear the experiment has had adverse to that effect , notably on the A one three four and on minor roads from the East on the A ten eighty eight .
27 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
28 The end result is a lovely camouflaged effect , but more importantly the dye has roughened up the normally smooth surface of the reed , which will now take a good varnish that will not chip off .
29 Somewhere the story has lost its soul in the translation to the big screen and one is left with the fairly black and white conclusion that white Afrikaners in wartime South Africa hated everyone but their own .
30 Rather the question has to be approached in two stages .
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