Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that it " in BNC.

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1 While his arguments about capital punishment are still of great relevance , it now seems rather odd that it could have been thought necessary to have to argue against the use of torture for extracting confessions .
2 Eric Hammond of the Electrical , Electronic , Telecommunication and Plumbing Union said in The Daily Telegraph : ’ It is so fundamentally wrong that it will increasingly threaten Labour 's prospects of a national victory . ’
3 The principles on which these three kinds of bodies are built are so fundamentally different that it is difficult to believe that they can be related to one another except right at the very roots of the evolutionary tree .
4 Although a notice inside clearly stated its capacity to carry three persons , he was secretly afraid that it would be inadequate to bear his vast bulk .
5 They are interrupting my fixed gaze into the third ring of the electric fire , or my autistic pacing around the living room , as I try to determine whether the print that I thought was beautiful is in fact so vulgar that it is lying in wait to expose me to ridicule .
6 The shift is so striking that it has led one commentator ( Young 1984 : 22 ) to talk of an explosion of ‘ civic assertiveness ’ .
7 This was only a small-scale study but the results are so striking that it is worth speculating on some of the possible causes of gender bias in the classroom .
8 In his State of the Union address , delivered to the US Congress on Jan. 31 , President George Bush stated that " the events of the year just ended , the revolution of 1989 , have been a chain reaction — change so striking that it marks the beginning of a new era in the world 's affairs " .
9 In other words , a successful multimedia system must offer an interface with its user , so friendly that it is effectively transparent .
10 Two other projects were so outstanding that it was decided to declare them as Commendations , both co-incidentally going to DH Mosquito work , the Mosquito Aircraft Museum 's completed restoration of TT.35 TA634 and the Night Fighter Preservation Team 's on-going restoration of NF.IIHJ711 .
11 However , there has been considerable controversy over the meaning of the link between events and depression — whether in fact the existence of a psychosocial stressor makes a depressive response so understandable that it should not be considered a disease .
12 I trust I have provided enough reasons to show that the use of the phrase ‘ pain in animals ’ is so indefinable that it is meaningless to animals and to those who have the well-being of animals at heart .
13 Some of ‘ Up In Downsville ’ is so laid-back that it simply wafts around your ears like tobacco smoke and they have an irritating habit of pulling their potential punches for fear of treading on someone 's daisies .
14 A jerking pop star was wielding his guitar as the credits rolled , his parodic sexual gyrations so grotesque that it was difficult to see that even the besotted young could find them erotic .
15 The absence of political initiatives ( as opposed to operational ones ) from the Tories is so total that it was a relief that these subjects were mostly ignored during the election .
16 The lack of clarity may be so total that it is comparatively meaningless to seek to identify a policy or to study its implementation .
17 The success of the tour made it less difficult to tell herself that this was what she wanted , but it did n't stop those sudden down-swings when she was swept by a longing so total that it was like a haemorrhage of the soul .
18 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
19 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
20 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
21 Many of the country lanes were so narrow that it would not have been possible for two vehicles to pass each other , but after half an hour , they cut into the main road that ran south from Cherbourg to Carentan .
22 ‘ I think Germany has become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit , ’ said Turkey 's President Turgut Ozal on German television .
23 German angst over the issue prompted Turkish President Turgut Özal to assert on German television on Jan. 24 that " Germany had become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit " .
24 It was furnished with an ancient iron bedstead and a wooden table so decrepit that it collapsed as I walked past it .
25 This camp was so strong that it remained as a major fortress for the Garonne region for centuries to follow .
26 When it was midnight and Rodrigo was fast asleep , the leper breathed against him between his shoulders , and that breath was so strong that it passed through him , even through his breast ; and he awoke , being astounded , and felt for the leper by him , and found him not ; and he began to call him , but there was no reply .
27 At the start of the contact the need to be stroked is so strong that it suppresses their fear .
28 Maybe hatred could grow so strong that it became a force of its own , he thought — a real physical force .
29 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
30 In recent years the evidence for the health benefits of fibre , or ‘ roughage ’ as it used to be called , has grown so strong that it has filtered through from the medical journals and is now well known to the British and American public .
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