Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [v-ing] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The screen is divided vertically into time periods ranging from minutes — for arranging a meeting — to years , presumably for scheduling your life .
2 So issuers who want to get the most for selling their shares tend to prefer book-building , even though fees are higher .
3 That 's what I hate most about keeping my head down .
4 He was a normal child , but started behaving odly after taking his A levels .
5 He must have been watching , presumably after finding his hideout violated .
6 But few expect the incumbent Mr Dinkins to say much about slimming his own government .
7 ‘ He 'd cared so much about concealing his past when he was alive , it seemed unfair to reveal it after he was dead , ’ Ashley said ruefully .
8 A mirror is an essential piece of furniture — not only for checking your appearance , putting on make up , or straightening your tie — but also as an integral part of the home 's decoration .
9 The first guideline is very important , not only for reducing your weight now but for controlling it in the future .
10 It was a great success , judging by the comments I heard afterwards , not only for enabling our volunteers to play an influential role in the local plans process , but for generating a sympathetic under- standing of the difficult balancing act expected of planners !
11 Usually ministers are formally answerable to Parliament only for discharging their own responsibilities relating to sponsored bodies ( such as in terms of broad policy and general oversight ) , while responsibility for efficiency and day-to-day matters normally rests with the organizations ' own management .
12 steel stock holder there , there is in fact er , a , a wood saw , there 's also a shed manufacturer and also a clear waste of Thetford also uses that , there are large houses , erm in there and all that traffic has to trundle along through residential areas , again onto er onto public routes , er indeed also in fact Pengate Road is very unattractive looking er settlement , if I can use that expression , so for Weeting my proposals would in fact disguise that by embankment and by tree planting , in fact I think that Weeting would gain considerably and it 's these sort of things which we will press upon your vote to draw their attention not just the
13 Queen Elizabeth I , her penchant for black servants and entertainers notwithstanding , took the opportunity to ‘ scapegoat ’ the black communities , and attempted to expel them without compunction when there appeared to be political advantage in doing so for managing her economic difficulties .
14 The authorities said that Hong Song-dam was not imprisoned merely for sending his paintings to North Korea and books to Koreans in Germany , but because his paintings and contributions to a magazine Art Movement were aimed at promoting a Marxist-Leninist revolution .
15 It left at two fifty P.M. and was crowded with people in heavy coats and fur hats who changed their mind constantly about leaving their outer clothing in the small wardrobe at the front of the cabin .
16 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
17 We had embarked two such affairs in the last year ; the most memorable being an English lawyer who had arrived with his French mistress , but only after telling his wife that he was attending a legal conference in Brussels and , to preserve the lie , he had been forced to hide every inch of his pallid skin in case a sun-tan betrayed him .
18 In addition to confirming Tanabe 's election , the extraordinary party conference confirmed its new leader 's policy review , but did so only after altering its substance to such an extent that it contained little in the way of significant policy shifts .
19 During the worst period for external conditions of the whole three years the only book I could get hold of ( and then only after putting my name down on a waiting list ) was Somerset Maugham 's enormous Of Human Bondage .
20 Councillor is on record , in fact not long after taking his job , that he does n't care much for state education , he prefers , grant maintained schools , the assisted places scheme , which I 'm pleased to say , Lord Mayor , we do n't operate in this district and neither did the Tories when they were in power and I applaud them for that
21 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
22 The majority of farmers were probably sceptical and decided not to invest in the system , because the Scientific Farming Machinery Co appears to have ceased trading a year or so after announcing their new gas injection equipment .
23 So how about having a look at disability — perhaps then we 'll be seen as people and not charity cases capable only of living our lives in day centres away from the public , instead of blending in harmoniously with the able-bodied world .
24 The carriage window was quickly let down , and the Queen and Prince Consort … turned with smiling faces to the multitude who thought only of expressing their loyalty to the utmost .
25 Far from leading a more Christian life , Margery after her breakdown thought only of outdoing her neighbours , for ‘ all her desire was to be worshipped by the people ’ .
26 ‘ Get out of here , ’ she instructed him huskily , capable only of voicing her greatest need at that moment , no more .
27 It 's kinda like jumping your body around the bike and countersteering — you go right if you flick the bars left , and you go left if you flick the bars right . ’
28 Much research is concerned only with increasing our knowledge of how societies work , and explaining patterns of social behaviour .
29 All with ensuring their daily risks .
30 The expense of improving the standards of qualification and training of both categories of investigator was high , but these days newly recruited Inspectors ( Ops ) usually have a current qualification on modern aircraft and the cost is concerned merely with maintaining their currency on these types and giving them the opportunity to fly light aircraft regularly .
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