Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 All the animals are in their cages , but they do n't seem to have very much space , and some of them have n't been fed properly for a long time .
2 He knew this was something that had been happening slowly for a long time , something that had to happen or he was lost , but it was such a brittle structure they were building , one word would topple it , shatter it , one word would be enough to jerk them back into that ordinary daylight where nothing could be changed or righted , nothing could unravel .
3 Joseph had devoured the contents of the book avidly during the long Pacific crossing and had begun reading it again after they left Hong Kong .
4 Twenty metres or so from the grass-packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running , pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds , careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise .
5 He watched them moving very slowly through the long , green grass .
6 The cows moved slowly through the long green grass .
7 85% of the woodland area is dominated by mature trees , indicating that grazing has been heavy enough for a long time to Prevent sapling recruitment .
8 It was n't enough ; it had n't been enough for a long time .
9 In these , he adopts a Kantian constructivist position which proposes certain basic categories through which alone the world may be apprehended , but recasts them as dynamic forms achieved only through a long process of interaction with the environment , in which the infant develops cognitive abilities as a means of dealing with the world .
10 The final decision as to what to count is actually the solution to the problem in hand ; this decision is taken only through a long series of complicated exploratory maneuvers ’ ( Labov 1972a : 82 ) .
11 Raskolnikov is one of the others , though it 's only through the long crime-and-punishment process that he comes to understand this : he had ‘ wanted something more ’ — more than our mere-existence rain .
12 When the slings and arrows of outrageous everyday life buffet our heads , we escape to Assynt , even if only for a long weekend , and always return refreshed , perspective regained .
13 But it is an agreement which is " restrictive of trade " in this sense , that it requires a man to give his services and wares to one person only for a long term of years to the exclusion of all others .
14 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
15 All through the long , twisting lanes the route was marked by twigs — twigs from the witch 's broom — which led to Threlkeld and only ceased when they came to the church with a steeple crowned by a gilded weathercock .
16 He looked at her thoughtfully for a long moment before nodding .
17 If you really want your fish fed while you are away , perhaps for a longer time , you cold measure out individual portions of food into envelopes , and hide all the other food .
18 I have said enough about the long run already , where there will be no more Reykjavik and no more big glass and not even any more lovers .
19 In the bite-shaped hollow , a small mound of viscous lava was growing and continued to do so for a long time afterwards .
20 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
21 He coveted the throne and had done so for a long time .
22 Social anthropologists can and do study members of their own society and they have been doing so for a long time , though mostly they do not do it very well .
23 ‘ We 've always been really good friends but had n't worked together for a long time .
24 They had lived together for a long time , but the sister was now reaching the conclusion that the situation could not continue much longer :
25 CHARLES and Diana will be together for a long time to come .
26 Earlier marriages with fewer children means that couples are together for a long time after their children have left home .
27 We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time , sharing their delight at looking underwater through a diving mask for the first time .
28 On my first visit , we sat together for a long time , talking of this and that .
29 Helen , with the baby only two weeks away , was very large indeed , but not too large for me to get my arms around her , and we stood there in the middle of the flagged floor clasped together for a long time with neither of us saying much .
30 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
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