Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] to have " in BNC.

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1 John would have heard enough of you on the phone to be convinced that it was a erm right for you to have a chat with , could
2 But obviously not close enough for her to have any say in the way he dresses .
3 They were still there , attached to her by unbreakable strings , but at least they retreated enough for her to have a breathing-space in which to resolve them .
4 One wore a black felt hat , and his shoulder-length hair and beard were silver enough for him to have known the beatnik era .
5 It was large enough for him to have a grand study with five windows ; yet small enough for him to discourage visitors without obvious discourtesy .
6 It was n't enough for him to have to learn a series of speeches that no one else was expected to begin to comprehend , but he was also deputed to be Dame Edith 's guardian angel .
7 ‘ Ashley was disappointed to be left out and felt that his record over the past few seasons was good enough for him to have kept his place .
8 Breakfast was bound to arrive early enough for them to have time to talk afterwards .
9 Fortunately , most of the figures who appear in this book meet that criterion or , if not , they were certainly notable enough for them to have been remembered .
10 The monks ' cells , just visible through the windows of the women 's dormitories , lay 500 yards away , far enough for them to have required a telescope and searchlights if disturbance had been on their minds .
11 that 's for the name , yeah so , so , some of them will be confused , but not enough for them to have any problems I should n't have thought .
12 No because I , no , I well , it 's is , I know people who say well I 've heard very little and I know that 's enough for them to have very good friends .
13 She would not part with her shoes for long enough for me to have them properly repaired .
14 I had our fee in my pocket — enough for us to have a magnificent seafood dinner at a place just off the Gran Via , with a couple of bottles of wine .
15 However , among the lucky or sheltered it is common enough for someone to have the uneasy feeling that he is living too comfortably , might find himself unprepared to cope if his present security were to collapse , lacks adequate understanding of miseries outside his experience .
16 It was less than an hour since Chen had come from the singsong house ; not time enough for anyone to have discovered Liu Chang 's body , or for the girls to have undone their bonds .
17 Now when that acid is fresh and has n't been used before two minutes is usually quite enough for it to have done the job it 's supposed to do .
18 ‘ And the house is big enough for you to have as many friends as you want to visit you .
19 They were n't glamorous enough for you to have known about them : they consisted of the people who were n't medically A1 .
20 The village school takes pupils in January and September each year , and before they go I like to get together with them to have a talk , teach them how to put on socks and shoes , and other things they might need to know .
21 Filgueira suggests that , since the major educational developments have taken place so recently , it may be too soon for them to have brought about greater reorganisation in society .
22 All this was cut short , for Michael was having increasing pain in his back , and we were advised to go home for him to have surgery .
23 Absolutely now I mean i i it 's interesting for women because I suppose in Australia I was a Republican and here I suppose I thought I saw about two erm now for me to have used that word thirty years ago I would possibly have been locked in the garden shed and left without food and drink
24 We 're talking here of protection , of they ca n't have waiver of premium because of ill-health , they 're not going to be able to have living assurance , so it , it 's not an option really for them to have one without the other , because it 's an automatic protection that , that really should be the basis of somebody 's package of their health commitment to have it .
25 Erm I do n't think I have got any written down here for you to have a look so I 'll have to write it down for you erm stuff about Stanley knives .
26 ‘ All the more reason then for them to have some knowledge of basic skills — ‘
27 ‘ Simply because he managed to avert such a disaster he was there for everyone to have a go at .
28 John loved beautiful things , she felt sure ; it must be painful for him to live in such surroundings , perhaps humiliating too for him to have her realise that this was all he could afford to live in .
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