Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These pages are written mostly for those who think they may wish to become qualified as a lawyer .
2 My thanks to Tim and Steve Wallace , Ron Mardle , our Chairman Richard Newcombe , Paul Lucas , my wife and our grandchildren who acted as sweepers up , errand boys and girl , etc. for all their work in achieving this opening in a short space of time , for the actual work of putting everything in its place I would like to thank the afore-mentioned and my daughter Bridget , also for manning the museum now that it is open .
3 ’ It may be all right for those who choose happily , but think of the mistakes that could be avoided if people had a little help .
4 Right after that you 'll learn that once the bird is stabilised in the dive it 's all too easy to be a bit late recovering and end up pulling g .
5 In 1806 a well known American preacher , the Reverend Lorenzo Dow , addressed a crowded congregation in the new church at 5.00 am and Wesley records preaching once at Kilmoriarty at the same hour : ‘ the house was well filled and a little after six I cheerfully commended them to the grace of God . ’
6 If the battle in which Penda fought Cwichelm and Cynegils at Cirencester , dated to 628 in the Chronicle A ( s.a. 628 ) ( which is almost certainly a few years too early ) , can be safely placed before 633/4 , Penda was already a formidable force before Hatfield , but even if it were to date to a little after 633/4 it still reveals the wide-ranging character of Penda 's early activities .
7 Presumably after that we w or on that date we 'll start to get phone calls ?
8 The pastoral work of the church can not be done without adequate financial support and I am afraid the support we are getting at the moment is simply not enough for all we are doing . ’
9 For instance , our own three-centre holidays may not visit a place you want to see , or stay long enough for all you want to do .
10 Turning to face Ellie , she smiled , said , ‘ I ca n't thank you enough for all you 've done … ’ and only then seemed to realise that Ellie herself was n't all dressed up .
11 They were good value , because they were in a style that he could wear anywhere and they were strong enough for all his walking and kept his feet from being bruised on the city pavements , for when you walk as much and as far as Boy did at that time you can hurt your feet badly .
12 Even at 70 , the energetic Mr Chance can not do enough for those he feels have been restricted in their activities and their education and have little or no chance of mixing with the community .
13 ‘ Both races hope for prosperity , prosperity means expansion , expansion means immigration , immigration means British ’ ; the syllogism was false , in logic and experience , but it was good enough for those who did not want to go where logic and experience pointed .
14 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
15 The pains of living in an overcrowded island are apparent enough for those who have to travel inside it .
16 Unemployment Benefit recipients with a Spouse who is not working will usually have an income low enough for those who qualify for topping-up Supplementary Benefit .
17 It 's tough enough for those who stay .
18 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
19 No , I 'm just trying to work out how long I 'm gon na be practising for West Side Story tomorrow because you might have to take my money my pocket money tomorrow I might not be able to get like home , sort of cos er I I might be practising till bloody six o'clock for all I know so I 'll get some chips or something .
21 As they wheel her out of the theatre , she comes to and murmurs groggily , ‘ Thank you so much for all your help . ’
22 Thank you so much for all your hard work on my curtains — I am delighted with them .
23 Well thanks very much for all your thoughts and ideas there .
24 So it 's Edna , Marion and Sylvia , well thank you very much for all your help anyway .
25 So much for all his vague promises of investment and improvement and new product lines …
26 So much for those who think that the Punch of old had a magic quality we have lost for ever .
27 It will bear the history of that oppression , not necessarily as that which disables desire ( though it may ) , but as desire itself .
28 This is the profound hope and certainty , that there are ways for every type of intellect and it is necessary only for each one to find the method that suits him .
29 Your will is only for those which you ca n't get rid of because you ca n't get rid of everything .
30 This is the challenge of real democracy ; it 's very simple to espouse freedom of expression only for those you agree with .
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