Example sentences of "[adv] [be] one that " in BNC.

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1 The roof was slightly unusual due to the relative heights of the eaves and the ridge , but to a structural engineer the design was sound and anyway was one that had been used many times before .
2 We came out into a lovely night : the effect of the quiet town , in the moonlight , with the snowclad hills behind is one that I sha n't soon forget , ’ wrote Warnie .
3 The dominant culture may well be one that has been fostered or actively imposed by the Organisation in the person of its managers .
4 Here 's one that was an able workman long
5 Here 's one that sells just belt buckles , here 's another exclusively devoted to pointed boots , or country and westernalia , or whatever .
6 A clear reluctance on the part of many Japanese even to discuss the problem suggests a reluctance to admit to the existence of the burakumin as an outcaste group , on the assumption that a problem that is not talked about is not a problem , or at least is one that will go away if it is ignored .
7 The ideal and the actual conceptualization of Balinese personhood , as Howe describes it , certainly is one that centres round peace and calm .
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