Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 he was n't going to let them go , I mean we were n't told any of that on the news , there was n't a word of that , it only be that from the papers that we 'd got
2 A better answer perhaps is that in some inherited way they carry the ‘ tune ’ of an ancient grief , lulled by earthly beauty but capable of being woken in Frodo in the end , as in Legolas by the cry of the gulls .
3 Just as the line between semantics and pragmatics is fuzzy , so is that between the indexical and symbolic meanings of deictic terms .
4 The reason why they did so was that in the case of man neoteny was an evolutionary trend largely in the service of ego and superego development .
5 For the woman in our example , it might just be that in fact she has a very small frame and she should therefore be 8 st 2 lb.
6 The output comparisons have to take into account social , economic and political considerations : it may just be that in Rochester the residents prefer not to have to drag their refuse up the garden path , at any price .
7 A more exciting spin-off still is that by feeding the digitised information into a computer-guided lathe it is possible to carve reproductions of sculptures in a variety of materials , such as wood , plaster , glass or stone .
8 One reason why you should try to develop the direction in which you think the company should go from both ends of the company at once is that in the process you gain the commitment of those who will have to follow the direction — and ‘ make it happen ’ and in a free society you are unlikely to get this commitment without a high degree of involvement and understanding of both where the ultimate goal is , and the process by which the decisions regarding that goal have been reached .
9 Another point to hit home was that in those cases where girls are prepared to give up everything to play on the Tour , they might as well do the job properly .
10 But it may also be that in the bourgeois family the essential inegalitarianism on which capitalism rested found a necessary expression .
11 What pleased her enormously was that over these garments Tina actually wore one of the patchwork aprons she had made and given her years before , with little hope of their ever being used .
12 But every sign now is that to shortages , inflation and a runaway budget deficit must be added serious shortfalls in output of coal , oil and nuclear energy .
13 The position now is that in any proceedings , ‘ the court may refuse to allow evidence … if it appears to the court that , having regard to all the circumstances , including the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained , the admission of the evidence would have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings that the court ought not to admit it ’ ( section 78 ) .
14 Emma is always asking when we will go back , and our only worry now is that in a few years she will probably be waking us up at dawn on icy mornings , saying : ‘ Shall we go down the black run first ? ’
15 The bitter injustice which is afflicting him so deeply now is that in spite of the fact that he has been perfectly all right ever since , no-one will believe it .
16 Evidence so far is that for providers , the care programme approach does not assist in clarifying the roles of different staff in different agencies , but it may offer a global package of mental health care , comprising both social and health care services .
17 The sad thing about all the comments I have made so far is that in even the best organizations you can recognize one or more of these undesirable characteristics .
18 Tempting , but the truth so far is that in equities the machines are n't quite making the required grade .
19 First , because of membership of the EMS , wage-bargainers and price-setters in other countries may take particular notice of the DM exchange rate and inflationary trends ( if any ) in the Federal Republic ; second , over a period of time , wage and price responses in other countries might evolve towards the German norm ; third , it may simply be that in a period when for fundamental social and political reasons the control of inflation came to assume dominance in policy-making , policy-makers found it a useful discipline to conduct their fiscal and monetary affairs in such a way as to stabilise the exchange rate against the DM .
20 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
21 But it would n't even be that on a system with the facility for multicurrency sales ledgers .
22 It may even be that at no one moment in mid-Silurian times was limestone being deposited throughout the region concerned .
23 It may even be that in Kent for about a year after Ecgberht 's death , ‘ Wulfhere could have been the effective ruler ’ .
24 No , the they 'll be a pupil input , it might well be that as a department there 's a decision that the pupil would not write
25 The sample may be biased insofar as Livingstone and Wilkie used middle management as their study and it may well be that at this level individuals are reasonably well paid and hence money is not as important as other factors .
26 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
27 no , what I 'm saying is I think that 's something that the B A I E education committee nationally should sit down and have a look at , I mean it may well be that at the end of the day Napier would set a better exam paper than they would er , also I 've suggested to them and again they have n't that Napier validate the course do the marking but with perhaps two B A I E fellows
28 If we do n't grant a , what 's going there now , it could well be that by default , the building will revert to the county council , and it would be lost to the people of Ottery .
29 An interpretation I have often heard is that God 's ways are mysterious and wonderful , and it may well be that in the very last moments of the person 's life they had an encounter with God that set them on the path to eternal life .
30 It may well be that in some metropolitan areas Labour is suffering the kind of adverse voter reaction noted in the London boroughs , but the issue of the poll tax appears itself to have had very little substantive impact on the differences in electoral behaviour between authorities .
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