Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 RARELY are women and men shown in a variety of occupations .
2 Within the overall Upward trend there have naturally been fluctuations and current and capital expenditure have not always behaved in the same manner .
3 It was small wonder that anti-war and pacifist groups flourished in the labour movement of the time , though rarely among seamen and , it seems , hardly at all among their leaders , though initially " hating the Hun " was far from easy , for German seamen had long been colleagues and comrades , not only aboard ship , but also in organisations affiliated to the International Transport Workers ' Federation .
4 He put out his arms and caught her and held her , and they stood there on the gravel path in the grounds of Hilderbridge General Hospital , embraced as if they had long been lovers and had known each other with profound emotion and physical joy and had been parted only to meet again now , by chance , so felicitously .
5 Happily pictures below are Dulcie and Arthur Maxim .
6 An unfortunate ornate gilt altar screen obscures the simplicity of the vertical lines of the great eastern apse , but above is visible the mosaic in the conch depicting the Virgin against a gilt background ; below are saints and apostles .
7 Below are shafts and dosserets which form shallow buttresses .
8 Then it had all been defeat and misery .
9 So are Helsinki and Leningrad , and so is Manhattan that sparkled in the dust like a wet finger dipped into the caster sugar of electricity .
10 ‘ Even so , Demontis is Sardinian and so are Piladu and Scano 's boy . ’
11 So are America and the Soviet Union , to the extent that they wasted too much energy signing up local partners for the cold war instead of organising a local peace .
12 So are nan and granddad totally for the idea and everything and moving now ?
13 Politeness and truth are often mutually incompatible ( how do we answer the friend who asks whether we like his new hairstyle , for example ? ) and so are politeness and brevity .
14 Sulzer and Rieter are names known all over Europe , and so are Volkart and Winterthur Insurance .
15 Patients , especially those with poor vision or mobility , are most at risk but so are staff and visitors to the hospital .
16 I mean okay so we 're here , but so are elephants and fruit flies and centipedes and tape worms and things erm nothing special about us. erm we 're rather successful right now , but we do n't play any very special role .
17 So are rocks and the air and other inanimate objects .
18 They are animals , but then so are insects and so are we .
19 ‘ Wigan are a high profile side and so are Leeds and I certainly would n't mind a trip back to Wembley , ’ he added .
20 ‘ Wigan are a high pro-file side and so are Leeds and I certainly would n't mind a trip back to Wembley , ’ he said .
21 It is not good enough to say that badgers are lovely creatures ; so are foxes and salmon .
22 I know they are a regular in europe — but so are cork and wrexham .
23 Not only are wood and other forms of cellulose technically efficient but they are also fantastically successful , judged by any quantitative criterion .
24 Not only are astronomy and chemistry reducible to physics ; but also biology is — or would be if physicists put any effort into making it so :
25 Although those who work with old people will have observed for themselves that in this group there are a significant number of male carers , the implications have not been fully drawn out because so many old disabled people at home alone are women and so many younger women carry the main burden of informal care at home .
26 The great majority of the elderly living alone are women and this proportion increases with age from 79 per cent of those under 70 years of age to 86 per cent of those aged 80 or more ( Table 5.3 ) .
27 Without a knowledge of good and evil , for example , there would only be ignorance and destruction .
28 I do n't believe that any of the three could exist , or would want to exist independently , for the synthesis is absolutely perfect , the balance so delicate , that the next step up could only be Rapture and Heaven .
29 ‘ So , if you punish yourself through self-denial in the puritan way , in the English Christian way , there will only be resentment and more unhappiness . ’
30 ‘ Afterwards , there would only be dislike and resentment , because you do n't care for my feelings at all .
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