Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am naturally particularly interested in the Carmel Wood IDO claim , which I presume has been registered but my interest goes beyond this to encompass all the claims that have been made in Wales , which presumably are now subject to the same procedures being applied by your authority .
2 S so erm did presumably are quite strong like that then ?
3 With this defence the defendant is saying that the plaintiff has failed to take reasonable care and thereby been partly responsible for his own injuries , loss or damage .
4 However , music chosen from a composer 's total output and specially arranged as a score for a three-act ballet with a story has rarely been completely successful .
5 If these changes in family structure and parental roles are of recent origin , current political dimensions of child care policy , which have rarely been more prominent than today , surely have a longer history .
6 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
7 Many of us are already cutting down on red meat , partly for health reasons but also because of , as Audrey Eyton explains ( see p.56 ) , the growing awareness that animals being farmed intensively are neither happy nor tasty .
8 The structure of universities in Germany , France , Britain and the USA was very different , but everywhere they were by the end of the century centres of scientific research , while at the beginning of it they had mostly been very marginal to it .
9 Teenagers are fiercely independent , but the risks of being led astray are much greater — drug addiction , unsafe sex or even death from dare-devil exploits .
10 Excuses based on weather conditions , visibility and the condition of the road surface etc. are generally poor defences , unless the driver takes immediate evasive action .
11 Interactions with oscillating quadrupoles , etc. are also possible , but are so much weaker than dipole interactions that they can usually be ignored .
12 Surplus component boards etc. are most useful if they contain expensive semiconductors , and are probably something that are best left to those who have a few years experience of electronics behind them .
13 It has long been recognised that expressions such as to pull someone 's leg , to have a bee in one 's bonnet , to kick the bucket , to cook someone 's goose , to be off one 's rocker , round the bend , up the creek , etc. are semantically peculiar .
14 Many acute life-threatening conditions , shock states etc. are eminently treatable with homoeopathy .
15 The civil service provides its staff with fewer incentives to encourage efficiency than in the private sector ( where bonus , commissions , ‘ perks ’ etc. are often widespread ) , a position unlikely to be altered much by limited experimentation with merit pay and the like .
16 In spite of this the idea that marriage , the family , property , the State etc. are merely temporal , transitory institutions , the product of a particular social system , is an idea which all modern anthropologists would accept even if many would hesitate to broadcast it .
17 Thus , according to Russell , since the possibility of a recurrence of the same " complexes of compresence " can not be excluded ( there is no equivalent of Leibniz 's principle of sufficient reason to ensure their numerical uniqueness ) we must accept that propositions about order in time , such as " If A precedes B , B does not precede A " , " If A is before B and B is before C , then A is before C " , etc. are merely empirical propositions and not inviolable a priori truths .
18 TIM PAGE , photographed above in Vietnam , started work as a photographer in the country in 1963 at the age of twenty , and worked there intermittently until 1969. he has since been back six times — in the early Eighties for The Observer , and more recently to research his book Ten Years After .
19 Although Moscovitch argued that the right hemisphere showed little or no language ability , other workers have since been less dismissive .
20 Pill users have since been further worried by reports that early use of the pill can cause cancer of the breast ( Pike et al .
21 Whilst it may be possible for certain hoists and lifts to be provided with dual controls and to be relied upon to assist in the initial stages of smouldering fire or even the last stages of salvage and reinstatement , and whilst the provision of a portable extinguisher could be regarded as standard , the dangers involved in aligning the confines of a lift or cage to a developing fire in the only manner by which it could be used effectively are sufficiently great to warrant special mention when consideration is being given to emergency planning .
22 Johnston and Pattie ( 1988 ) claim that people no longer vote so much according to their class , or social , position , but rather are increasingly referrent to their spatial location .
23 Whereas the long-term significance of human activity upon plants and animals and soil characteristics and distributions has provided one research focus , in climatology the emphasis has perhaps been more evident on a spatial scale with the impact of human activity first appreciated at the local scale but then subsequently extended to the meso and thence to the world scale .
24 He had perhaps been too long in high office , too isolated from discordant views by the well-oiled Birmingham machine to take full account of the volume of dissent .
25 Despite the numbers of scientists involved , physical geographers have not perhaps been as prominent as they should have been in the investigation of the human impact upon soil systems .
26 As the Soviet authorities were still trying to restore order in the Transcaucasian republic of Azerbaijan following the violence there in January [ see below ; pp. 37168-70 ] , nationalist rioting erupted on Feb. 11 in Dushanbe , the capital of the Central Asian republic of Tadjikistan , which had hitherto been largely untouched by the nationalist or inter-ethnic unrest afflicting much of the southern Soviet Union .
27 Criticisms of Germany had hitherto been largely implicit in the philhellenic perspective .
28 For even if the Danes say Yes to the treaty ( see next article ) , worries about it are growing in three European countries that have hitherto been staunchly pro-European .
29 Freud cites one young man in relation to his father and another in relation to his twin , as well as the main case , a young woman in relation to her mother : ‘ It , then , the girl became homosexual and left men to her mother ( in other words ‘ retired in favour of' ’ her mother ) , she would hitherto remove something which had hitherto been partly responsible for her mother 's dislike' ( ix .
30 The government found it necessary to try to impose a centrally determined framework on what had hitherto been entirely local , and often monastic , charitable initiatives .
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